HV71 fires coach Tomas Montén

HV71 has had a fiasco start to the SHL season. After twelve rounds played, they are last in the table with only ten recorded points.

After the big loss at home against Malmö yesterday, the club now chooses to act. Head coach Tomas Montén may leave his position with immediate effect.

– The sporting performance of the men’s team has been rejected and we have to reverse the trend we are in, says the club’s deputy. chairman Andreas Davidsson.

The club director replaces

Starting tomorrow, club director Johan Lindbom will instead lead the team.

– We need to get new energy into the team and therefore the board has made the decision to appoint Johan Lindbom as the new head coach.

Lindbom was head coach for HV71 when they won SM gold in 2017.

– I am convinced that there is much more to be gained from the team. Hockey is teamwork and my task will now be to get the players to lift themselves up and also act as a team, says Lindbom.
