The Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance recently announced it will be amalgamating operations at its hospitals in Stratford, St. Marys, Clinton and Seaforth into one corporation.

The Stratford area’s hospital group is now beginning the process to merge the operations of its four hospitals into one organization.
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While four hospitals in Stratford, St. Marys, Seaforth and Clinton are currently four separate corporations, the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance has effectively operated them as an integrated organization with a single board of directors, shared administrative and professional staff since the alliance’s inception in 2003 The health-care alliance is also the single employer of the hospitals’ employees.
“We still have four legal corporations on the books,” Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance president Andrew Williams said. “When we formed the organization in 2003, we created a very, I think, innovative agreement at the time that had the four corporations still in place. With some changes provincially to some legislation and direction of the new specific legislation, the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, we need to update our agreements and we feel that going to one corporation is the best decision right now for our four hospitals and the communities that we serve.”
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When the health-care alliance agreement was originally signed 20 years ago, Williams said Stratford General Hospital, St. Marys Memorial Hospital, Seaforth Community Hospital and Clinton Public Hospital were maintained as separate corporations to smooth the transition from the previous eight-hospital partnership toward the alliance’s operational oversight and control of the four local hospitals.
“This is an important and necessary step for the (health-care alliance) as we continue to provide the very best governance to our four hospital sites, and quality care to those we serve,” board chair Stephen Hearn said in a press release. “The amalgamation will not affect our staff as they are already all employees of the (Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance), or the programs, services and staffing offered across our sites. It will also continue to ensure our four strong hospital foundations remain independent and raising funds vital for their own local hospital and health-care priorities.”
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To align with the health-care alliance’s fiscal year and give it time to receive Health Ministry approval, amalgamation is expected to be finalized and in effect by April 1, 2024. Before then, Williams said members of the public will be provided with various opportunities to learn more about the process, ask questions and provide feedback.
More information on public engagement and the overall amalgamation process will be posted to the health-care alliance’s website at once it becomes available and questions can be sent to directly to Williams at [email protected].
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