Hungary’s Orbán in Texas: Wished globalists hell and defended his racial rhetoric

Hungarys Orban in Texas Wished globalists hell and defended his

Orbán has attracted attention during the summer, for example, with his racist speech in which he said that Europeans should not mix with non-Europeans.

Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán said Thursday during an honorary visit to the CPAC conference of American conservatives in Texas that “the globalists can all go to hell.”

At Orbáno’s meeting, creating ties with the US right-wing and proposing cooperation and coordination among the global right-wing.

In his speech, Orbán also announced that Hungary is “subject to a daily blockade by progressives and liberals”. The prime minister also announced that he is the only anti-immigrant political leader in his continent.

Orban has attracted attention during the summer by supporting the Russian president who attacked Ukraine Vladimir Putin and with his racist speech where he said that Europeans should not mix with non-Europeans.

– We [unkarilaiset] we are not mixed races and we don’t want to become mixed races, the prime minister shot in Romania in July.

One of Orbán’s closest advisers resigned over the speech. He characterized it as purely Nazi and found Orbán’s comments unacceptable even by the most bloodthirsty racist standards.

In Texas, Orbán emphasized that Hungary has zero tolerance for anti-Semitism and racism.

According to Orbán, the accusations against him are “fake news” and the parties spreading them are “idiots”.

Also the former US president who admires Orbán Donald Trump’s expected to speak at the conference.
