Hungarians choose Putin and Orbán world or free world in election, says opposition leader EPN – accuses prime minister of brainwashing

Hungarians choose Putin and Orban world or free world in

TREE / BUDAPEST / DUNAKESZI The small and run-down village of Fáj in the north-eastern part of Hungary near the Slovak border is an extreme example of the country’s political divisions.

In a village of about 400 inhabitants, virtually everyone voted for an authoritarian prime minister Viktor Orbánin Fidesz in the last parliamentary elections.

A similar result is expected on Sunday, when parliamentary elections will be held again in Hungary. The people we meet in the village say they wholeheartedly support Orbánia and Fidesz.

The strongest supporter of Orbán, which we have joined, is a 69-year-old pensioner Ferenc Matawho is doing the day ‘s chores in the yard of his experienced home.

– We all vote for Fidesz and we love Orban, the vigorously speaking ailing man tells the stranger while the dog squeaks beside us.

In his fanaticism, Mata goes straight to extremes.

– I would rather die than see someone else as Prime Minister of Hungary. I love Orban, my father who died more than 54 years ago.

Mata, who has lived all her life in the village of Fáj, inhabited by a Roma minority, now calls Orban a father. Spouse of Mata Krisztina Lakatos accompanies in the background: “The people of Orbán are here.”

Mata says Orbán is doing his best for the poor. His pension is 50,000 forints, or about 130 euros. The man is happy with that and his life.

– Orbán would give us more if he could. Of course, we would be grateful if we could get more.

Mata and the other villagers we meet praise the employment program launched during Orbán’s reign. It has helped the long-term unemployed into public work. The salary for these works is 75,000 forints, or about 200 euros.

Long list of problems

Abroad, modern-day Hungary is known for its many problems. The list is long: corruption is rampant, freedom of the press is in dire straits and sexual minorities are being oppressed.

The independence of the judiciary is also questionable and the administration has interfered in the activities of organizations and universities, among others.

Due to his policy, Orbán has repeatedly been in conflict with the EU. The opposition promises that if it wins, it will turn its course towards Europe.

Orbán has also organized funds and numerous businesses for its associates.

All of this has been marred by the deep distrust of politicians experienced by many Hungarians.

Yet in rural areas, Orbán’s support is absolute in some places, even when conditions are poor. There are many reasons for this.

In Hungary, the government controls 90 percent of the media, and the opposition does not have a voice in pro-government media. Opposition supporters say Orbán’s supporters have been brainwashed.

However, the reasons for Orbán’s support go much deeper. One reason is the kind of cult of personality associated with him.

Orbania is considered a hero of communism by the older population. As a young politician, he was the first to demand the withdrawal of the Red Army from Hungary.

According to his supporters, Orbán has done a lot of good. Many supporters of Fidesz seem to think that as long as it is good, their own and the country’s economic situation will improve.

The pattern of thinking may be that it is better for Hungarian oligarchs to get rich instead of money flowing abroad.

The village of Fáj is an extreme example, but it tells the story of the division of Hungary.

Three out of four Budapesters support the opposition

230 kilometers away in Budapest is another reality. In the capital, three-quarters of the people support the opposition and perhaps as many hate Orban.

That is why, on Hungarian National Day, 15 March, Fidesz supporters have been transported to Budapest from all over Hungary and from neighboring Hungarian territories.

Many are waving Hungarian flags bearing the name of their hometown.

Katalin Schepasz stands in the forefront of the march setting off. For him, the top sheet of the march reads “Békemenet – No War” or “March of Peace – Against War”. The government support march has been called the Peace March in the past, the name is not related to the war in Ukraine.

Schepasz is convinced that Orbán is the guarantor of peace. Hungary should not interfere in any way with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he says.

– During Orban’s reign, family benefits have been improved. We can afford to travel and spend more. Our standard of living has improved and we want Orbán to continue along the same lines, Schepasz says.

– I cannot understand Orbán’s critics. The country is evolving and people are living better. I don’t understand why not everyone realizes this.

Schepasz points out that Orbán’s anti-immigration government has strongly supported families with children with loan and tax breaks aimed at raising the birth rate. Indeed, the majority of middle-class families with children experience an improvement in their economic situation during the Orbán period.

Katalin Schepasz and other Orbán supporters marched to Kossuth Teres, Parliament Square, to listen to their leader’s speech. There are tens of thousands of people there.

Orbán balances between Putin and the EU

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin a close ally of Orbán speaks to his supporters in the middle of the flagship about the war. Many have arrived hours earlier.

– We need to stay out of the war. We will not send troops or weapons to Ukraine, Orbán says.

Hungary has banned the export of arms through its soil to Ukraine.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Orbán has sought to balance in a difficult situation. Ordinary people want to wholeheartedly help those fleeing the war in Ukraine. The Hungarian administration has also welcomed the refugees.

– Migrants will come to our borders thousands of kilometers away. Hungary is still anti-immigration, but it is helping refugees, Orbán says while speaking on National Day.

Orbán is applauded, but there is no charming atmosphere. Not even in the middle of the crowd near the riot fence that separates the marchers who arrived in front of the rest of the audience and the stage.

Orbán has condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but has refrained from criticizing Putin directly. Orbán has not sought to prevent sanctions as long as they do not affect energy supplies. About half of Hungary’s gas comes from Russia.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine completely changed the election strategies of both Fidesz and the opposition. After the attack, Orbán began accusing the opposition of intentions to interfere in the war.

– Opposition parties want to send Hungarian soldiers and weapons to this war. However, we will not let that happen, Orbán says.

The opposition uploads its wishes to the mayor of the small town

The day after National Day, an opposition campaign will be held in the town of Dunakeszi near Budapest.

Six opposition parties from right to left have grouped behind one candidate. He is the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, who comes from outside politics Peter Mark-Zay.

The framework is very different from the day before in Budapest. There may be about 150 opposition supporters.

– Márki-Zay has little political experience, but if the six-party coalition he leads stays together, everything can get better in Hungary, he thinks. Nando Yorkivics before the start of the event.

Adam Gyurcsik believes that fear will give way in Hungary if Márki-Zay wins. He considers this to be the most important thing and change.

– All supporters of the opposition know that the opposition must now stay together – otherwise the attempt to defeat Orbán will fail.

Márki-Zay in her fifties is a right-wing, conservative Christian. The father of seven children has promised, among other things, to eradicate corruption and restore the rights of sexual minorities.

Márki-Zay: Orbán is Putin’s puppet

After the campaign event, on a dim evening in Dunakeszi, Márki-Zay shakes hands with a large part of the audience. Pictures of friends are also taken.

He then states in an interview with that victory for the opposition is possible, but it is difficult to achieve in the current circumstances.

– Orbán has changed the electoral system and the division of the constituency in favor of Fidesz. In addition, Orbán controls the media. In an environment like this, an election victory would be a miracle, but we are still hopeful. We know that more and more people in Hungary want change after twelve years of brainwashing.

Márki-Zay says the administration’s media blackmails the opposition.

– Elections are not free and fair, I can say that in advance. Fidesz’s media spreads lies, untrue allegations and rumors. They attack us with lies, and we have no opportunity to defend ourselves and explain to people that they are lying.

The opposition front of the entire six parties was given a total of only five minutes of screen time on state television. Márki-Zay says she got to use the interview day in the morning at 8 p.m.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is marked by Hungarian election speeches. According to Márki-Zay, Orbán is incapable of guaranteeing peace in Hungary. The opposition prime minister calls Orbánia Putin’s puppet and accuses him of blocking Ukraine’s dreams of NATO membership, among other things.

– Now he’s done the U-turn again. He appears as an angel of peace. He is lying that we are going to send Hungarian troops to Ukraine. Orbán uses the war to his advantage to win the election.

“Putin and Orbán’s world or free world”

Márki-Zay says that the root cause of all Hungary’s problems is corruption. The opposition prime minister promises that if he wins, he will take Hungary to his first job as a member of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. He would then deliver the culprits behind bars.

– The Hungarian judiciary is no longer independent. If the Fidesz oligarch or the state opposes the court, there is virtually no chance of winning.

– Orbán and his entourage are very rich. They have castles, lands and real estate. Fidesz has arranged for its own management of banks, insurance companies and, for example, the sale of all tobacco.

Márki-Zay suspects that Fidesz would next seek to take control of all the country’s supermarkets and get rid of foreign retail chains.

According to Márki-Zay, in Sunday’s parliamentary elections, Hungarians will choose between Putin and Orbán and the free world.

– I am hopeful that in the election people want Hungary to turn to Europe and do not want Putin’s puppet Orbánia. Orbán serves a foreign interest, not a Hungarian or European interest.

In terms of support, Orbán’s Fidesz has been barely ahead of the opposition.

Whatever happened in the election, opposition Hungarians hope that their homeland will not be equated with Viktor Orbán and his regime.

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