Hungarian Viktor Orban accused of supporting Serbian separatists

Hungarian Viktor Orban accused of supporting Serbian separatists

Is sovereignist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán torpedoing European diplomacy in the Balkans? This is what MEPs denounce. They accuse Viktor Orbán of supporting the Serbs of Bosnia-Herzegovina, who want to break up Bosnia. And they suspect Orbán of acting with the assistance of the European Commissioner for Enlargement – ​​a Hungarian diplomat.

From our correspondent in Budapest,

What worries MEPs first and foremost is Viktor Orbán’s strategy. The Hungarian Prime Minister fully supports Milorad Dodik, the leader of Republika Srpska, the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which wants its independence.

Not only does Orbán consort with this separatist, but he supports him financially. Budapest has just released 100 million euros for Republika Srpska.

Olivér Várhelyi implicated

Next, what also worries MEPs is the attitude of the European Commissioner for Enlargement, the Hungarian Olivér Várhelyi, who was appointed to this post by Viktor Orbán. A few days ago, members of the European Parliament questioned the President of the Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen. They ask him to open an investigation on the latter suspected of collusion with the Bosnian Serbs.

Katalin Cseh, Vice-President of the Liberals in the European Parliament, explains why MEPs are calling for an investigation: “ According to an internal commission document, Commissioner Várhelyi agreed with Mr. Dodik on the Republika Srpska’s plan to leave Bosnia. While the European Union is doing everything to maintain the unity of this country ! If the authenticity of this document is confirmed, it means that Mr. Várhelyi contributes to destabilizing the region : it is contrary to European policy. »

This document of which the Hungarian MEP speaks, proposes neither more nor less to modify the borders of Bosnia-Herzegovina and to break up the country for the benefit of the Serbian nationalists.

Oliver Várhelyi did not respond directly, but the European Commission came to his defence. The Hungarian commissioner was indeed informed of Dodik’s intentions to create a separate state. But, according to Brussels, this does not mean that the commissioner approves of these plans. He would even have expressed his opposition to this separatist project.

Viktor Orbán systematically follows Moscow

But what interest would Viktor Orbán have in sowing discord in Bosnia-Herzegovina? If Viktor Orbán supports the Bosnian Serbs, it is because he aligns himself with Vladimir Putin, and systematically sides with Moscow. The Orbán government supported Russia’s intervention in Kazkastan and did not say a word about the bloody repression of demonstrators!

This servility of Budapest vis-à-vis Moscow is mocked by a Hungarian weekly which caricatures Orbán shining Putin’s shoes. Tank shaped shoes. The weekly notes that this rapprochement with Moscow does not really benefit Hungary for the moment. Does it benefit Viktor Orbán? That’s another question.

