Hungarian ultraconservatives Orban and Italian Meloni strengthen ties without reaching an agreement

Hungarian ultraconservatives Orban and Italian Meloni strengthen ties without reaching

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban visited his Italian counterpart Giorgia Meloni as the next President of the Council of the European Union. The two far-right leaders reaffirmed their differences. Because Viktor Orban’s party refused to join the European group of European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) led by Giorgia Meloni. Because it opened the doors to another party that Orban considers anti-Hungarian.

2 mins

Giorgia Meloni declared herself “ particularly agree » with Viktor Orban on certain priorities of the Hungarian presidency of the European Council. In particular the revival of the birth rate which is “ an essential condition for a strong Europe », and strengthening the fight against illegal migrants.

She recalled their differences on the Ukrainian question, while stressing that she appreciated Hungary’s position within the European Union and NATO. That ” because it allows other member states and allies to make important decisions “. “ We know very well that our positions do not always coincide “, said Meloni, whose country supplies weapons to kyiv, applies sanctions against Moscow and strongly supports NATO’s position. This when the head of the Hungarian government remained close to the Kremlin.

But no comment on their discussion about the ongoing negotiations for key positions within the European institutions. Nor on the role of Fidesz in the European Parliament.

Because this meeting between the two ultraconservative leaders comes while the Twenty-Seven are in the middle of negotiations to decide on key positions in the European Union. The two ultraconservative leaders want Europe to take into account the surge of the far right during the June 6-9 elections.

Fratelli d’Italia is part of the European Conservatives and Reformists (CRE) group in the European Parliament. Fidesz, Viktor Orban’s party, is among those not registered. This after leaving the pro-European conservative camp of the EPP (European People’s Party), led in particular by the current head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

While many suspected Fidesz of wanting to join the CRE, Viktor Orban reiterated that “ Fidesz cannot be part of the group of European Conservatives to which an anti-Hungarian Romanian party joined “. This is an allusion to the far-right nationalist formation Alliance for the Unity of Romanians (AUR), to which Giorgia Meloni opened the doors of her group.
