The Hungarian Parliament must vote this Monday, February 26 on Sweden’s entry into NATO. It is the last country to have to give the green light so that this Nordic country, historically non-aligned, can join the military alliance of the Western bloc. A vote eagerly awaited by Stockholm, which has been waiting for more than a year and a half. Especially since Hungary has continued to push back the issue in recent months.
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With our correspondent in Stockholm, Carlotta Morteo
In recent years, relations between Sweden and Hungary have been quite cold. Stockholm did not fail to denounce the breaches of the rule of law in Hungary. Criticisms which were very little appreciated by the Prime Minister’s party Viktor Orban.
“ We have differences, especially at European level ” admitted Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson in Budapest last Friday, but ” let’s focus on our common interests “. The signing of a Defense agreement with Hungary thus serves as a prelude to their future relationship as Allies within NATO.
“ There needs to be trust and mutual respect. Otherwise, how can we consider dying for each other? “, declared Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The latter had, however, initially promised that Hungary would not be the last country to ratify Sweden’s request for membership in NATO.
Unless there are any surprises, the Hungarian Parliament should ratify the case today. But since the diplomatic drama crossed with Turkey for more than a year, caution in Sweden remains the watchword. There will then remain other protocol steps. “ Until it’s done, it’s not done “. This is the mantra of the Swedish authorities, who are only a few weeks away.
Read alsoSweden’s accession to NATO: in Hungary, Viktor Orban’s party boycotts a session of Parliament