Hundreds of pro-Saïed demonstrators gather in Tunis

Hundreds of pro Saied demonstrators gather in Tunis

In Tunis, despite criticism from the political opposition and an economic situation that is not improving, President Kaïs Saïed can still count on his support. A few hundred of them gathered this Sunday, May 8 in Tunis.

With our correspondent in Tunis, Lilia Blaise

The slogans against politicians and the corrupt are identical to those that could be heard the day after July 25, 2021 and the takeover of the executive by Kaïs Saïed. Nine months later, hundreds of demonstrators gathered this Sunday morning on Avenue Bourguiba, in the Tunisian capital, at the call of several supporters of the head of state.

Flag around his neck, Emna, 53, still supports the president’s decisions, such as dissolving Parliament. ” We have tried everything, a Parliament and lots of parties. What has it brought us? A souk ! “For her, the referendum on a new constitution forecast for the summer remains a good indicator of the democratic health of the country. ” Everyone will choose a new Constitution with this referendum, those who do not agree say no, those who support it will say yes. This is democracy “, argues Emna.

Mohamed Amine Shouri, 33, came specially from the city of Sousse to support the president despite the lack of economic progress since July 25. ” It is true that the economic question remains the priority, but unfortunately, everything is currently plagued by the corruption of the old regime, he notes. So everything needs to be upgraded so that we can get back on a good footing. »

Today, the government has to deal with inflation of 7.5% and a growing deficit. In this period of deep crisis, it is difficult to drive reforms.
