Hundreds of children queuing for Bup help – the doctors barely accept visits

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The queues for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Bup) around the country continue to grow. Now TV4 Nyheternas’ investigation shows that several of the doctors at Bup in the Sörmland region – which is the region worst at meeting the care guarantee – only see an average of one child a day in periods. Now sharp criticism comes against the fact that the doctors see so few children who are in urgent need of help. – The numbers you show me are almost shocking. This must be fixed, says Anki Sandberg, spokesperson for the association Attention. TV4 News’ review of the Bup queues in the country shows that many regions do not meet the requirement of a first visit within 30 days for children seeking help. Sörmland is the region in the country that in January this year was the worst in meeting the care guarantee of visits within 30 days, where not even one in ten children received help in time. TV4 Nyheterna has gained access to the doctors’ schedules at Bup at one of the receptions in Sörmland. In a week now in March, one of the doctors has only seven appointments with patients. And the other doctors have just as few or fewer visits during the same week. On the other hand, the temporary doctor that the region hires has as many as 20 visits during the same week. “We are currently looking at the doctors’ schedules” When you look at the scheduling over a four-week period now in March, the doctors at the Bup clinic have an average of 18 visits during those weeks, while the doctor on call has 66 booked patients. – We would like the doctors’ time to be used more for meetings with patients. We are working on this issue, I can assure you. We are currently looking over the doctors’ schedules and investigating whether we can reduce their administration, says the operations manager at Bup in Sörmland, Sofia Mossfeldt to TV4 Nyheterna. Several of TV4 Nyheternas’ sources from within the Sörmland region state that it has looked like this for a long time and that it is one of the explanations why so few children receive help in time. Attention: Serious and remarkable Hundreds of children are currently waiting in line in the Sörmland region to get help, according to the region’s own figures. The association Attention reacts strongly to the information that the doctors at Bup see so few patients. – Every week or month that a child suffering from mental illness has to wait is an eternity for that child. There are staff here, i.e. doctors, but they see very few patients. It is both serious and remarkable. I really hope that this review leads to a change, says Anki Sandberg, chairman of the association Attention. In the player above: Hear the criticism from the association Attention.
