Hundreds of canceled operations under blockade

Hundreds of canceled operations under blockade



full screen Hundreds of surgeries are canceled or moved due to the healthcare blockade. Archive image. Photo: Tomas Oneborg / Svd / TT

More than 430 surgeries have been canceled or moved as a result of the healthcare blockade that has been going on for almost a month, according to a survey by Sweden’s Radio Ekot.

20 out of 21 care regions in Sweden have responded that they were forced to cancel or move planned operations.

The extent varies between regions. At the University Hospital in Uppsala, over 40 operations have been canceled since April 25, when the conflict began.

– We see a clear impact now. In the first place, of course, it concerns things that are not time-critical in various forms, such as orthopedics, but also some surgery and in fact now we see that we are having effects on and have had to cancel some cancer operations, says Johan Lugnegård, chief physician at the Academic Hospital to the radio.

The blockade means that 68,000 of the Vårdförbundet’s members do not work overtime or overtime.

– We are now in notice negotiations where colleagues are being dismissed and where today they have said that 6,000 will be fired, and then it is not dangerous to society. There will be very double messages from the politicians and the employer, says Vårdförbundet’s chairman Sineva Ribeiro to Ekot.
