Hundreds bid final farewell to Soha, 24: ‘Tough day’

Hundreds bid final farewell to Soha 24 Tough day
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Soha Saad, 24, was killed in an explosion in Uppsala.

Now hundreds of people have gathered at her funeral.

– We don’t know who everyone is, but we are very grateful. It’s a hard day, says a relative.

full screen Soha, 24, was killed in the bombing in Uppsala. Photo: Private

Over the cemetery in Uppsala, the gray clouds hang heavy and the rain pours down.

In just a few days, late summer has turned into autumn and the leaves on the trees have turned yellow, orange and red.

An autumn that 24-year-old Soha Saad will never experience.

Last week she was murdered in an explosion in Uppsala. The attack was aimed at a relative of gang leader Rawa Majid, but the powerful bomb also destroyed Soha’s family’s house and took her life.

At the cemetery, hundreds of people of all ages have gathered on Friday to say their last goodbyes. Dressed in black, under umbrellas, they stand close together.

Several are crying and holding each other. Others have large bouquets of white flowers in their arms.

fullscreen Hundreds gathered at the cemetery to say a final farewell. Photo: Robin Lorentz Allard

“We have fled war – do not want war here”

A black car drives slowly onto the lawn while a prayer is played. The imam, dressed in white, steps out. Then several of the men help carry the white wooden coffin out.

Soha Saad had recently graduated from the university. For five years she had studied to become a primary school teacher.

Now her entire future has been taken away from her.

Many of those here today are her family members and friends, but also others who want to honor her.

– We don’t know who everyone is, but we are very grateful. It’s a hard day, says a relative.

Soha was one of three people murdered in a 24-hour period last week. She had nothing to do with the ongoing gang violence.

– We fled from war when we came to Sweden. We don’t want a gang war to start here now. We don’t want other families to suffer from what we have, says her family member.

full screen Several people left flowers on the grave. Photo: Robin Lorentz Allard

“Will always be with us in our hearts”

Mourners approach the grave as her body is lowered into the ground. The imam reads a final prayer for her.

Then the grave is covered with earth again. The men dig deep with their shovels.

After that they all stand in silence. More people go forward and lay flowers on the grave.

Soon it is completely covered by a sea of ​​roses in all colors.

– I want everyone to sleep in their homes without being afraid. We have lost a young, beautiful girl who had big plans for the future. She wanted to do everything. We feel a deep, great sadness that will take time to heal. If it can heal. She will always be with us in our hearts, says a man from the family.

full screen Photo: Robin Lorentz Allard
