Hundreds are already waiting for the king

Hundreds are already waiting for the king

Anna Karolina Eriksson/TT



Among beach chairs, blankets and coffee thermoses, the Danes are starting to take their seats in front of the balcony at Christiansborg Castle – even though there are still several hours until future King Frederik appears.

– I am completely moved by this, it is fantastic, says Lotte Jakobssen, who went to Copenhagen with her family already early on Sunday morning.

– We came from Fredericia in Jutland and took the train ten minutes past six this morning, and have already been standing here for a couple of hours. It’s cold – but we’re going to experience this!

From Australia

Already early this morning, the first enthusiasts began to make their way towards the castle, to have the opportunity to see the historic event that takes place at three o’clock.

At the proclamation at Christiansborg Castle, Denmark’s new King Frederik X will step out onto the balcony, after which the Prime Minister will announce the succession to the throne in front of the assembled audience.

The folk festival is already underway, and some have traveled really far to take part in the change of throne. Judith Langtrey traveled from Brisbane, Australia as late as Wednesday to secure a seat in front of the balcony in Copenhagen.

– I want to be a part of history and this is fun, she says and lights up when future King Frederik’s wife Mary speaks.

– It’s nice that she’s Australian. She seems like a good person, very down to earth.

“This day means a lot”

In a cluster of people stand René Jenssen and Charlotte Møller, dressed in royal masquerade costumes and with crowns on their heads. They cause quite a stir.

– We wanted to dress up for this event. And some seem to have noticed that we are here, says René Jenssen and laughs.

– Frederik, he is our monarch and our head. He will be an important person for us, and I look forward to seeing him in the role of king, he continues.

– He will probably become more popular is what Queen Margrethe has been, so it will be exciting to see, adds Charlotte Møller.

Frida Eriksen has already sat in a brought beach chair in front of the castle for two hours. The Copenhagen cold is already biting, despite several layers of blankets, she notes.

– I have put on a woolen undershirt and several pairs of socks, but you will be cold.

In her lap she has a whole pile of Danish flags, which will be waved this afternoon.

– This day means a lot. Fifteen years ago I made a deal with my father that on the day the Queen abdicates or dies we will come here and see the coronation of the new King.
