Humanoid robot prepared in partnership with NASA: Apollo [Video]

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The new project, which is reported to have come to life after the partnership of Apptronic and NASA. humanoid robot model Apollo showcased removed.

Apptronic unveiled by humanoid robot model Apollo’s purpose, “To help people by relieving the burden of tedious tasks that are dangerous or undesirable.described as ”. Robot with a cute look, 173cm tall And It weighs 73 kg. With its replaceable battery, it can move independently and Robot that can lift 25 kgin a modular structure as reported It can be customized for different needs. The robot, which can also be preferred in a fixed version if desired, carries a large number of sensors and cameras, and can be programmed through its special software for many tasks from carrying packages to placing. We will see the production version at the end of 2024 (This version will have an OLED display on the chest and an e-ink based spout) humanoid robot Speaking about Apptronic CEO and co-founder Jeff Cardenas, “People do not want and should not have to do physically demanding work in harsh conditions. Humanoid robots are not just an answer to this challenge, they are a necessity, and with its deep experience in robotic systems, Apollo is uniquely positioned to make an impact in the field.” said. Commercial sale of the robot if all goes well It will be in 2025.
