Huhkaji’s future head coach will be named soon – “Hopefully things will be fixed before Midsummer” | Sport

Huhkajis future head coach will be named soon Hopefully

According to the president of the Swedish Football Association Ari Lahti, the aim is to announce the head coach in the next few weeks. There have been both domestic and foreign names on the candidate list.

Anni Jämsä,

Jussi Vainikka

The naming of the future head coach of the Finnish men’s national football team is nearing its end.

The upcoming selection has been talked about in recent weeks, as the current head coach Markku Kanerva will pilot Huuhkaji for the last time for the time being on Friday in Scotland. In the fall, Huuhkajie’s matches will continue in the Nations League, but the position of head coach is still open.

Read more: Did Markku Kanerva just make his last Huuhkajat selections? This would be the stupidest solution in a trainer game

According to Ari Lahti, president of the Swedish Football Association, the coach will be announced in the next few weeks, so solutions can be expected soon.

– Hopefully we can get things sorted out before Midsummer, and we can announce who will coach Huuhkaji in the Nations League and World Cup qualifiers, Lahti commented to Urheilu on Tuesday.

– We have done careful work, and we are in a pretty good mood at the moment. The last things are still to be agreed.

According to Lahti, Palloliitto has gone through a large number of possible coaching candidates, which included both domestic and foreign names. According to Lahti, Kanerva is also one of them.

Kanerva herself has previously expressed her desire to continue working in Pesti.

– There is a strong desire to continue. I feel this is an honor since I have been here for so long and if I can continue. Motivation is at its peak, Kanerva commented at the end of May.

Kanerva has been coaching Huuhkaji since the end of 2016.

Huhkajat meets Scotland in Glasgow on June 7. at 21:45. will show the match on its channels.
