Huge heavy rain continues in Central Europe – firefighters building sandbag ramparts run out of strength in Poland | News in brief

The record rain is predicted to continue until Monday. The authorities are already at their limits.

Exceptional heavy rain ravages Central Eastern Europe. At most, up to 400 millimeters of rain is promised during the weekend. This means that for every square meter of soil, 400 liters of water would fall.

Authorities have begun frantic efforts to avoid flood damage in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland alike. River water levels are rising inexorably. Evacuations have already started in some places.

In the southern part of Poland, in the villages of Jarnołtówek and Pokrzywnana, firefighters are appealing to residents, as their power is running out.

– We are asking for help [hiekka]for filling and transporting sacks. We can’t survive on our own, our strength is running out. We have been working since yesterday and have not received any support, they hoped According to Wyborcza magazine.

The rain is estimated to be the heaviest in the area for up to a hundred years, Austrian experts estimate of Die Presse by.

In the mountains of Austria, at an altitude of more than 1,500 meters, the rain has come as snow, which hinders traffic. Roads are blocked due to fallen trees. Air traffic has been restricted to, for example, Vienna Airport.

More traffic problems have occurred in Dresden bridge collapse to the river Elbe.
