Huge fantasy epic with almost 8 hours running time that takes you back to a beloved world

Huge fantasy epic with almost 8 hours running time that

There is a peaceful, lush green land between hills and forests, inhabited by equally peaceful creatures. But beyond the familiar meadows, a wild, breathtaking worldwhere adventures lurk around every corner – if you set out to experience them.

Let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way right away: No, Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy is not a second Lord of the Rings. But if you can overcome your own fan shadow, it will still make your heart sing as a return to Middle Earth. Amazon Prime has just released all three films included in the streaming flat rate. So why not take another look at Hobbiton, Rivendell and Mirkwood?

In the Hobbit trilogy, an incomparable adventure begins with 13 dwarves and an ancient treasure

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The title for the start of the trilogy with the sequels The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies could not be more fitting. cozy, comfortable Hobbit Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) really couldn’t have expected the journey that lies ahead of him.


The Hobbit – An Unexpected Journey

Bilbo appreciates a good dinner, his tea and his little garden. What he appreciates less are 13 dwarves and the wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen) who burst in unannounced. And then take you on an adventure want: The aim is to reconquer the home of the dwarves, Erebor. To do this, however, a legendary gemstone must be recovered from the hoard of a mighty dragon.

Of course, Bilbo is strictly against it. Adventures only bring trouble. But the unknown world outside beckons. So he finally sets off. At the side of the dwarf prince Thorin (Richard Armitage) and his entourage, he heads towards Erebor. But the way there is long – and full of dangers.

For fantasy fans, The Hobbit trilogy on Prime offers almost 8 hours of fun in a beloved world

In their own way, the Hobbit films are absolutely worth seeing. A successful, nostalgic holiday trip into a world that always gives fantasy fans comfort and offers an escape from the grey reality. The sets, the landscape, the music and the extremely detailed costume design draw you back into the universe of Middle Earth from the very first moment.

Like precious stones between rock and earth, countless magnificent, absolutely epic moments glitter here between the less than perfect ones. Fights that thrill. Encounters with legendary monstersin which a little hobbit looks a dragon in the eye and takes our breath away. Songs that give you goosebumps from the first note.


Reunion with Gollum in The Hobbit – An Unexpected Journey

There are Encounters with old acquaintancesthat you just can’t be angry about. Hiking sequences over mountain ridges that make you long for this world that always somehow feels like home. Characters that, thanks to clever casting, make you root for them. The Hobbit is a leap into a familiar fairy tale that has its faults – but can also make you incredibly happy.

You can currently return to Middle Earth with the Hobbit trilogy on Amazon Prime.

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