PHOTO: TT News Agency
David Beckham was recently in Sweden to visit.
Then he gave a very nice gift to Sven-Göran Eriksson.
But now the legend has ended up in bad weather after doing what is forbidden in Norway.
He may not quite reach the category of one of the world’s best footballers of all time. But probably really is David Beckham one of the most famous footballers ever as everyone really knows who he is.
Gift for Svennis
Recently, there was a big stir when the English legend landed at Karlstad airport. Beckham has flown to Sweden to meet his old coach Sven-Göran Erikssonwho is dying of an incurable cancer.
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During the emotional meeting, Beckham gave several fake bottles of wine to “Svennis” from different years that meant a lot to the coaching icon, a very nice gesture from the Englishman. Now “Becks” has returned to the Nordics again and this time to neighboring Norway.
Beckham in Norway
The 49-year-old is on a fishing trip in Sogndal to try to catch salmon on the hook in Lærdalselvi, a very popular river for sport fishing. But there is a big problem and that is that the river has been closed to fishing since 2020 and so was the plan for this summer.
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But after an appeal, so-called “tribal fishing” has been allowed for a few days in June. It is now taking advantage of Beckham who has flown by helicopter to the river to fish for salmon.
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Beckham’s fishing trip has aroused strong emotions due to a tense situation where the city administrator who allowed the fishing is called Life Signe Navarsete and her husband is actually part owner of the river. Therefore, there are financial interests behind the decision that salmon can now be fished in Lærdalselvi, and David Beckham has taken advantage of the loophole.
“But that’s irrelevant because none of the fairies get a single penny from this. All the money (from the stockfishing) goes to the foundation,” she explains to the local newspaper Bergens Tidende and also announces that she has been removed from the case.
“Because questions have been raised about my suitability”.
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