Huawei’s New Smart Glasses – Cepkolik

Huaweis New Smart Glasses Cepkolik

Huawei’s new smart glasses, on December 23 (next Thursday) preparing to launch a new collection of gadgets. Stylish Huawei P50 Pocket, , Huawei Watch D and other devices, including a pair of smart glasses. Now, smart glasses are a new trend for tech companies, but there are a few different types.

Some AR glasses, others are cameras, others are still headphones in the form of glasses. Bone conductor placed at the temples to speakers This is the case with Huawei Smart Glasses. glasses, possibly audible commands and other Harmony built-in to enable integration with compatible devices. HarmonyOS will run the version.

An interesting feature of the glasses is that each your two lenses at the front panel magnetsa can be replaced as a single unit by snapping into a frame. This is clever as it allows the same smart hardware to work as reading glasses as well as sunglasses.

Huawei, both Gentle Monster already has two generations of smart glasses in cooperation with They were also voice-only smart devices. This new model appears to be purely Huawei production without the involvement of the fashion brand.

See also: Huawei P50 Pocket Images Leaked
