” We want to become number 1 in all the markets we enter” : from the start of our exclusive interview with William Tian sets the tone. Calm and pleasant, the one who directs the activities of the Chinese giant Huawei for Western Europe does not inflate the torso, but sweats ambitious objectives.
Huawei, ex-world number 1 in smartphones, which was almost wiped off the map of the segment by American sanctions, does not seem the least bit discouraged. A veritable technological war machine, the leading R&D player in China, Huawei is taking a PC turn that can be seen directly on its stand at the MWC in Barcelona: few smartphones (and few people around), but a horde of new IT products.
New iteration of the Matebook X Pro, iMac-style all-in-one (but much prettier!), Surface clone, big leap in laser printing, reMarkable 2-style e-ink electronic notebook, mini-tower for markets companies, etc. the product flow is impressive.
US sanctions: no discernible hard feelings

When we tickle Mr. Tian on the risk, for this Chinese company, of a strategy based again on American technologies – Intel and AMD chips, Microsoft Windows on all floors – the fifty-something wants to be reassuring. “ First of all, we don’t see ourselves as a Chinese company, but an international company based in China. We have R&D centers in many countries (including France, editor’s note), are present in 170 countries and reach more than three billion consumers “, he unfolds quietly.

After having seen the progress of the “Huawei Gate” for almost two years, we go further by pointing out all the same that a Chromebook strategy (or Harmony OS + American ARM chip or not), represents less risk of cutting American technology, etc. . But Mr. Tian and Huawei don’t eat that bread. ” We are a global company, we believe in the free trade system, we want to develop open systems. And we work hand in hand with our technology partnerss (Americans, ndr)”.
A phlegm that smacks of the image that we Westerners have (rightly or wrongly) of Confucian thought: no violent reaction or anger, Huawei is playing for the long term. “Without resentment” one would even be tempted to add.
Apple still in standard meter

With a strengthening of its PC range and this desire to be number 1 in all markets “The question then arises of Huawei’s place in an ecosystem already rich in players. And there, a brand comes up several times in the conversation: Apple. “ You ask me what are our strengths? The first is clearly the design: do you know of another brand that offers PCs as beautiful as Apple? No PC player other than Huawei can compete with Apple on this front says Mr. Tian.
” Then, we will have to rely on our innovations from mobile that we will infuse into our PCs around imaging, AI, or even hardware with even more edge-to-edge screens. promises Mr. Tian. By refusing to announce what technologies could soon arrive.
Infuse mobile technologies into PCs

” Our third strength is our know-how in mobile + PC interconnection “, he continues. Far from being anecdotal, this software symbiosis that Huawei is pushing more and more is also found at Samsung, which also offers interconnection software.
” From scanning QR codes to having it always in your pocket, the smartphone can do a lot of things your computer can’t. We have mastery of both worlds and, by focusing on the services provided to users, we want to offer the best products and the best PCs, quite simply. “, he adds.
The best PCs, but without a race for components. Indeed, by looking at the product launch roadmaps as well as the list of components, the enlightened analyst notices two things: the Matebook X Pro in version 2022 will not only be launched only on 3and quarter of this year, but it will also be equipped with a one-year-old chip (Core 11and gen) and not an Intel chip of 12and generation.

Will of Huawei? Lower priority positioning in Intel’s order books? ” I can’t answer those component choice questions, but just want to clarify that we’re not looking for the spec race. We have unique technologies, cooling, etc. But all of our technologies and choices focus not on one or two metrics, but on the overall user experience. “, he concludes. An approach that is reminiscent of that of… Apple.
As in the world of smartphones, where the Chinese had ended up overtaking the “master”, Huawei therefore aims to position itself as the “Mac” of the PC world. With the same success as its mobile experience?