Huawei smartphones with new 5G may be on the way

Huawei is the world leader in 5G

Huawei smartphones with new 5G may be on the way. The company now has to leave 5G behind due to the US embargo staying.

Chinese tech giant huawei, It is the most important name in the world when it comes to 5G technology. However, the company cannot put 5G supported processors on its new smartphones, because The United States does not want this through the embargo. For example, Qualcomm currently only provides 4G processors to Huawei. But the situation that holds this company back may change at the end of the year. According to a new report from Reuters, Huawei has developed a joint venture with China-based Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC). It could deploy 5G chipsets by the end of the year. As reported, Huawei and SMIC are currently designing 5G chipsets using SMIC’s N+1 manufacturing process and Huawei’s electronic design automation (EDA) software tools. The production process of SMIC is reportedly close to 7nm, the rest of the industry is working on getting down to the 3 nm level.. In other words, it is necessary not to have excessive expectations for the performance of the mentioned chipsets.


Previously, a European-oriented news about Huawei and 5G had made a sound. You know, many countries are now the USA’s “The claim that data is going to Chinain telecommunication networks Huawei And ZTE It does not use the equipment of Chinese companies such as In 2020, European-based warnings were also made on this subject, but according to Thierry Breton, EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Industry. European countries failed in this regard. Breton, within the scope of his statement, stated that the expected strict controls and bans against the China risk in Europe were not implemented. The important name that comes to the agenda frequently, according to sources, made a statement to the ministers responsible for communication infrastructures of EU countries last week, He said only a third of EU countries have enforced Huawei/ZTE bans in critical areas. The European Union, which wants to eliminate this situation, has directed the equipment of companies that are thought to pose a security risk for the region. solid and considering a mandatory ban. In other words, it seems that the process within the scope of the recommendation “don’t use” will soon become a necessity for companies such as Huawei and ZTE. it seems.
