Huawei Continues To Forge In The Automobile Industry

Huawei Continues To Forge In The Automobile Industry

A few days ago, a well-known automobile blogger, Huawei Yu Chengdong, CEO of BG and CEO of Smart Car solutions interviewed with. In the interview, the official was asked about the company’s plans for the automobile market, let’s take a look.

During the interview, Wu Pei to Yu Chengdong asked a lot of questions. One of the key questions was whether the official believed that Huawei’s success in the smartphone industry could be reflected in the auto industry as well. In response, the manager of the Chinese technology giant; success in the mobile industry. three cornerstones of experience; quality and brand He said it was very likely, as he believed it to happen.

“The company already has experience in the auto industry due to its many years of partnership with automakers. Except this under the brand image It will also ensure quality.” said.

Huawei in its mobile unit due to US government sanctions; after seeing a drop diversify its business operations working for One of the new key focus areas was automobiles. The company has patented a number of technologies related to next-generation self-driving technology and other related systems. Therefore, it is clear that the brand has big plans for the future in the automobile segment.
