HS: The government wants to outsource the asylum search outside the EU | Homeland

HS The government wants to outsource the asylum search outside

The government hopes that the future EU Commission will promote outsourcing.

The Finnish government wants to promote the transfer of the asylum process in the EU to countries outside the EU.

The goal is evident from the government’s goals for the new EU commission made last week. One of them is moving the asylum process outside the EU, he writes Helsingin sanomat newspaper.

According to the Finnish government’s policy, Finland wants to promote asylum policy in such a way that it applies a model in which those who applied for asylum from an EU country would be sent to a country outside the Union. The model is named after the British example as the Rwanda model.

The asylum application would be handled in a country found to be safe. In the case of Rwanda or another similar country, the asylum seekers would stay in the country if they were granted asylum. In the case of a negative decision, Rwanda would be responsible for the return to the country of origin.

According to the policy, Finland intends to promote and support initiatives in the EU regarding countries that can be considered safe according to the model.

According to HS’s information, the new policy has been made at the request of basic Finns after long negotiations.

The European Court of Human Rights suspended the British plan in June 2022, before the first robotic asylum seekers were about to be flown to Rwanda.

The British Supreme Court also ruled last November that the Rwandan model is illegal. According to the Supreme Court, there is a risk that asylum seekers in need of international protection will be returned from Rwanda to their countries of origin on false grounds.

At the beginning of the year, the House of Commons of the British Parliament approved a controversial bill that would allow asylum seekers to be sent to Rwanda.

Britain’s right-wing government hopes that the law will be enacted before the next election. The elections will possibly be held at the end of the year.
