HPK CEO Antti Toivanen has resigned from his position

HPK CEO Antti Toivanen has resigned from his position

HPK Liiga Oy will launch a search for a new managing director and inform about it during the summer.

The CEO of HPK Liiga Oy is changing. For seven years, the pilot follows Antti Toivanen has resigned from his position and continues his career to new tasks. According to the club’s press release, Toivanen leaves the club with a good mood and leaves a company with good growth to his successor.

– I want to thank the entire HPK community for these seven years. We have a wonderful work environment where it has been nice to come to work every day. I am grateful for this passionate HPK family that I have been able to work with, Toivanen thanks.

Chairman of the board of HPK Liiga Oy Jouni Monto says that Toivanen has been a big part of HPK and has worked for the club with a big heart.

HPK’s board will start the application process for a new CEO and will inform about it during the summer.

I will fix the club’s finances

During Toivanen’s seven years, the club has made significant progress. It is particularly significant from the point of view of the future that the club’s solvency level and balance sheet have been restored and it has also been able to make significant investments.

– We have had active and good cooperation with the board so that the company has developed year by year. Through this, the company has been able to invest hundreds of thousands of euros in the hall. An LED surface has been purchased for our hall to support our sales and to develop hall conditions. In addition, we have bought two lots back for ourselves, says Toivanen.

Investments in women’s hockey and junior activities

On the sporting side, the most significant achievements during Toivanen’s tenure were the Youth Finnish Championship 2017 and the Men’s Finnish Championship 2019. During the last season, HPK completed a large-scale renovation of sports management and has recruited a new sports director.

HPK has also acted as a pioneer in the development of women’s ice hockey by taking the women’s team under the umbrella of the Liiga company. This has enabled the development of the women’s team, when playing has been made possible without fees and the team’s officials have been able to work in professional conditions, says the club’s press release.

During Antti Toivanen’s tenure, considerable investments have been made at HPK in junior activities, for which full-time coaches have been hired.
