How women’s expectations of men drive the extreme right – Aftonbladet podcast

Sadistic gays feminist incels and girls who cant say no

In this week’s section, we discuss how women are an important part of pushing conservative values ​​and right -wing politics through something as innocent as a lifestyle controller.
Tone has a goose to pick with a group in society that she thinks is too politically problematic, namely mothers who worry about her children, and Karin wonders why everyone is chatting in her feed that men should take the bill?
The men are accused of becoming more conservative and destroying the world with their longing back in time, but no one asks what women are doing with? Are women innocent of the dark political development or do they drive the development in their pronounced longing for a “real man”?
Is “The Princess Treatment” nothing more than a conservative Trojan horse? When manipulated Tiktok Tone to scold his guy? What does Karin have to say to the mothers’ defense, now that they have launched the anti -axx Robert F Kennedy Jr. Like a world politician? And why does Tone become a crunchy mom halfway through the episode?

Friday 14 February 2025

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Service editors: Petter Larsson
Editor -in -chief, CEO and responsible publisher: Lotta Folcker
STF responsible publishers: Karin Schmidt, Martin Schori
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