How will we live in 2093? The great debate of 70 years of L’Express – L’Express

How will we live in 2093 The great debate of

What will France look like in 2093? Will we have met the challenge of global warming? Will humanoid robots loaded with artificial intelligence have relieved us of all the thankless and painful tasks? Will our family meals take place in front of screens after having quickly ingested a plant-based steak from bioreactors or a handful of high-protein pills? What future for youth in this society of “super-seniors” where Man will have been augmented, death postponed and where technology and virtual universes will have invaded our lives?

Here are some of the questions we will ask ourselves during the exceptional conference organized by L’Express at the Maison de la Radio on October 18, to mark the magazine’s 70th anniversary. Baptized “It was good yesterday, it will be better tomorrow”this afternoon of conferences, debates and new experiences will begin with a major conversation between Emmanuel Macron and the intellectual Francis Fukuyama on the future of our democracies.

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At the end of the century, our economies will have had to overcome two major transitions: the necessary end to fossil fuels and demographic aging. Two major shifts which will modify all our balances: family, societal, political. Health, mobility, agriculture, new models will emerge and impose themselves, challenging our welfare state and our democratic values. Not to mention the abysmal ethical questions. To try to understand the world that awaits us, four experts will give us their thoughts and projections:

Audrey Bourolleau, co-founder alongside Xavier Niel of the HECTAR project, an incubator for technological solutions which supports the agricultural sector in its transition.

Nicolas Bouzou, economist and founder of the Asteres firm,

Isabella de Magny, member of the health and innovation observatory of the Sapiens Institute and founder of the “Inspiring Future” firm.

Cécile Maisonneuve, Senior Fellow at the Montaigne Institute and advisor to the Energy and Climate Center of the French Institute of International Relations.

“It was good yesterday, it will be better tomorrow” – For its 70th anniversary, L’Express invites you on October 18 to the Radio France Auditorium for an exceptional conference under the sign of commitment and optimism. With in particular a debate between the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron and Professor Francis Fukuyama. To register, Click here. Hurry, places are limited!
