How to write a cover letter for Parcoursup?

How to write a cover letter for Parcoursup

Parcoursup is the new platform for managing student assignment wishes in higher education institutions. Set up in 2020, it asks students to attach a cover letter for each desired training. Here are our tips for writing a cover letter for Parcoussup.

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The cover letter, which accompanies a CV is, since 2020, a requirement of Parcoursup. It must be attached to each training request that students make on the platform. This document is usually between 150 and 500 words long and this is where you mainly present who you are, what you are capable of doing and what is your motivation for entering this training. It is a question of seeing the cover letter as a job interview that one would pass to integrate the training. Consider the following questions:

  • Why do you want to integrate this training in particular?
  • How will your past accomplishments and skills help you be successful in these studies?

Our cover letter writing tips for Parcoursup

In the cover letter, your personality should show through and you can develop your areas of interest. Do not forget to adapt it to each training requested on Parcoursup: cover letters that are too generic are viewed negatively by their readers. Try to write in a formal way, using a font classic black (Times New Roman, Arial…) and limiting the character size to 12 points maximum.

Structure is also one of the most important parts of your letter. It has three parts: introduction, contextualization and motivation.

Part 1: the introduction

Introduce yourself by answering the following questions.

  • Who are you ?
  • What did you study? What specialties did you choose and why?
  • What do you do outside of your studies and what experience have you gained?
  • Why do you want to integrate this training?

Part 2: contextualization

In this second part, you can now put the reader in a situation, and give him more information about your skills: why are you able to integrate this course? When it comes to writing, be direct and prefer short sentences. Do not hesitate to talk about your past accomplishments and what you do well in life: you can cite sporting prowess, a commitment to an association, your previous student jobs, your internships, etc. Be sure to match the skills you want to highlight with what the training actually requires. The objective is to show that your profile is suited to the studies targeted and that you will give yourself the means to succeed.

Part 3: motivation

Experts advise, for maximum impact, to end your cover letter stating why you are excited about entering this graduate institution. You can use the following questions to guide you.

  • Will this institution help you achieve your career goals? How? ‘Or’ What ?
  • Does the training cover topics that interest you? Which ?
  • Why do you deserve an interview in this structure?


Remember to end the letter with a polite phrase after thanking the reader for their attention to your letter. It is also important to sign it. Finally, download, save and export your finalized cover letter in PDF format. This option, offered by all text editors, allows you to keep your original formatting. So you don’t have to worry about an accidental line break ruining your job.

So, ready to write your cover letter?

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