How to write a cover letter for a thesis?

How to write a cover letter for a thesis

Have you completed a master’s degree and the only diploma you need to complete your training is a thesis? Then, you will have to proceed with the applications again, and for that, write a cover letter. In this article, find all our tips for writing this document.

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An ideal cover letter helps to show the institution and academy members what you can do for them. Follow our tips for writing the best cover letter to apply for a thesis.

1. Choose the format of your cover letter

The format of your doctoral cover letter should be formal, clear and readable. This is the first impression the admissions committee will have of you, so it’s best to leave nothing to chance.

So, follow these tips to format your cover letter for a thesis:

  • Choose a professional, easy-to-read font
  • Use 1.5 line spacing
  • Use standard margins of 2.5 centimeters
  • Try to use a font size of size 12

2. Add the top banner and the title of your letter

Before you start drafting the body of your cover letter, you must include the contact details of the sender and recipient in an appropriate manner.

Here’s everything you need to know about the header of your doctoral cover letter:

  • Put your contact information (name, address, phone and email) first, aligned to the left.
  • Add the coordinates of the university aligned to the right. If you have the name of the person responsible for admissions, enter that as well. If not, simply provide the full name of the academic institution and its address.
  • Enter the date of submission of your motivation letter for the thesis.

3. Introduce yourself and mention the thesis program that interests you

The first paragraph of your doctoral cover letter is very important. It is he who will make the reader want to continue reading you. So be direct and clear!

Introduce yourself to the members of the admissions committee, who will already have your CV under their eyes, and mention which program of doctorate that interests you. You can also talk about your academic or professional successes, especially if they are related to the thesis program you are targeting!

4. Explain why you are the best candidate

Much like the statement of a hypothesis, your cover letter should include strong arguments that demonstrate your skills and talents. Your university experience, your research projects, your participation in conferences and seminars are things that will help strengthen your cover letter for a thesis. Recruiters need to understand why you will be doing the best research job!

5. Explain your research proposal

Unlike other types of cover letters, a thesis cover letter usually has a paragraph devoted to your research proposal. It is recommended to include a brief description of the project to be carried out, as well as of the researcher chosen by the candidate to supervise it. The general idea is to explain what you plan to do during your doctoral studies.

6. Conclude with a thank you or a call to action

Now is the time to write the last paragraph of your cover letter ! If the dissertation program of your choice provides for an interview as part of the admissions process, end your letter by inviting the committee to meet with you to discuss your research proposal.

If not, simply thank them for their time and let them know one last time of your interest in the thesis.

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