How to whiten your skin? What products to avoid?

How to whiten your skin What products to avoid

Banned in France, skin whitening is still widespread thanks to creams and “miracle products” sold under the coat. A dangerous and “utopian” practice which is not without consequences, warns dermatologist Marie Jourdan.

It is not possible to have your skin bleached. On the other hand, it is possible to attenuate sun spots thanks to products containing fruit acids that can be found in drugstores or on prescription of a preparation containing hydroquinone. In medicine, thanks to the laser “we can depigment certain specific areas for aesthetic correctionslike mitigating a birth mark or hyperpigmented scars“says Marie Jourdan, dermatologist. For her, skin whitening is “a utopian fashion effect and a real public health problem”.

Laser skin whitening

“It’s absolutely not possible“, responds firmly our interlocutor. “The pigment laser can eliminate sun spots and improve the complexion but under no circumstances can these lasers be used to whiten the skin“In rare cases, the pigment laser can be used”to destroy the last areas of healthy skin of a patient suffering from universal vitiligo, reports Marie Jourdanthe white spots becoming so invasive that we decide to fragment the natural pigment until we obtain a whiteness close to vitiligo”. The patient is then warned that traces and scars may appear.

What products for skin whitening?

In order to whiten their skin, some patients divert creams and use “mixtures of corticosteroids, hydroquinone, and mercury derivatives“. These products are prohibited for free sale and their misuse represents a danger.This practice is a public health problem within a population that is poorly informed and influenced by fashion phenomena that run in sub-Saharan Africa or in Southeast Asia.warns the dermatologist.

Can you take cortisone to whiten your skin?

“No, explains Dr. Marie Jourdan, cortisone is used in dermatology to calm inflammatory diseases such as eczema or psoriasis. It is an immunomodulator. Applying it over a large area for a long time induces undesirable effects.” People who misuse cortisone may see “acne breakouts, skin fragility because the skin will refine and redden, the appearance of unsightly hair, a rupture of the dermis with large permanent stretch marks”.

What are the dangers of skin whitening?

Damaged skin cannot be repaired. “Hydroquinone applied for a long time will cause brown spots grainy skin on the cheekbones called exogenous ochronosis, explains the dermatologist. Rare cases of skin cancer to type of carcinomas have also been reported in Senegal”. Patients may also experience hormonal problems, it has also happened to recover patients suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, or severe adrenal insufficiency following the continuous application of cortisone over a large area”.

What are the regulations in France regarding skin whitening?

“Depigmenting products based on corticosteroids, hydroquinone or mercury derivatives are completely prohibited but the controls are not sufficient, laments the dermatologist. He is possible to find products based on fruit acid in drugstoreswhich can diminish sun spots or alleviate melasma but not lighten the whole body. The focus and format would be insufficient anyway.”

Thanks to Dr Marie Jourdan, dermatologist specializing in laser intervention in Paris.
