How to vote in the presidential election? Instructions, timetables, which identity documents

How to vote in the presidential election Instructions timetables which

How to vote in the presidential election? Only a few hours left to vote. Identity document in your pocket, find your polling station. But beware of closing times, which are closer in rural areas, with a limit set at 8 p.m. in large cities. Find instructions for voting on this page.

How to vote in the presidential election? Find the address and hours of your polling station.

What do you need to vote in the second round of the 2022 presidential election? It’s very simple, you need: proof of identity, go to your polling station, before closing time. You do not even need your electoral card, a simple identity card, a driving license, or other documents listed below on this page, are enough to prove your identity and to access the ballot boxes. However, be careful not to choose the wrong polling station, especially a few hours before the polls close. It would be a shame to make the trip and end up empty-handed. Here are some rules to follow so that your vote goes smoothly.

Attention, even if it is a national election, you must still go to your usual polling station, the one where you are registered, that is to say that of the municipality of your main residence. . Depending on the size of the city where you live, there may be one or more polling places. To avoid making a mistake or queuing at the wrong polling station, check on this page that you have all the information you need to vote properly, in the right place. You can also check that your polling station closes at 7 p.m., or maybe 8 p.m. if you live in mainland France.

Do you now have in mind the address and closing time of your polling station? So let’s go ! With your proof of identity, once there, just let yourself be guided by the arrows indicating the direction of traffic. If you have any questions, volunteers and assessors are on site to answer you. We remind you that if you have lost your voter’s card, this is not a problem since an official document attesting to your identity is sufficient, in order to verify that you are indeed registered on the electoral rolls on this Sunday, April 24.

Around 70,000 polling stations will be open for the presidential election. To vote in this 2022 presidential election, Linternaute offers you a complete and free service allowing you to identify a polling station via a search engine and access addresses and times for this presidential election.

Even if the registration on the electoral lists is validated, you have to go and vote in a very specific office and not anywhere. Indeed, several offices are open in the municipalities to bring together voters residing in the same geographical area. Each polling station generally does not exceed 1,000 voters. Not sure where yours is? Do not panic. The number and address is written on your electoral card, inside, at the top.

How to vote in the presidential election? The closing time of my polling station

On April 24, not all polling stations close at the same time. Differences exist in the big cities, on prefectural order. In the vast majority of cities, polling stations close their doors at 19 ‘o clock on Sunday. However, the metropolises are playing extra time until 8 p.m., as in Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Marseille, Toulouse, Nantes or Nice. A differentiation made due to a larger number of voters in these territories.

How to vote in the presidential election? The best timing

In the big cities, it is advisable not to delay too much in going to vote in the presidential election, in particular to avoid the queues observed at the end of the day during the 1st round of this presidential election 2022. 48.7 million voters are indeed called to the polls in this 2nd round of the presidential election. In Paris, and in several large cities, long queues had formed during the 1st round. If the town hall had assured that it had provided enough assessors for the smooth running of the ballot, it would seem that some assessors or volunteers who had undertaken to present themselves did not come in the end.

This human resources problem had perhaps been amplified by a large crowd at the end of the afternoon. Some voters had even ended up giving up and going home without having voted, or had feared that the polling station would close before they could slip their ballot into the ballot box. It is recalled that in the megalopolises, the polling stations close at 8 p.m. rather than at 7 p.m. However, the town halls advise to go to the polling station at low traffic times, between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., as well as between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m., in order to smooth the traffic.

How to vote in the presential election? The necessary documents

Before being able to vote in the presidential election, it is necessary, in most municipalities, to have to prove one’s identity to those in charge of the polling stations. However, presenting your electoral card is not obligatory. An identity document may be sufficient, such as his identity card, his passport, his vital card with photograph, his disability card or his driving license. It should also be noted that in cities with less than 1,000 inhabitants, it is however not compulsory to present any identity document in order to be able to vote. “But in case of doubt, the president of the polling station can ask you to prove your identity by any means”, specifies the administration.

Here is the list of documents to present, the common point of which is the presence of a photograph:

  • National Identity Card
  • passport
  • driver’s license
  • vital card
  • civil servant card
  • SNCF large family card
  • military ID card
  • hunting permit
  • military or civilian disability card
  • fighter card

You refuse to choose one of the two candidates for the second round? Be careful, there are several ways to express it. In addition to abstention, which consists purely and simply of not going to vote in the presidential election, you can vote blank or null. The blank vote consists of going to the polling station but slipping a blank ballot without any name or placing an empty envelope in the ballot box. This gesture is seen as the demonstration of an interest in the political life of the country or the realization of its citizen act, but makes it possible to mark its dissatisfaction vis-à-vis the political offer, which did not convince.

Finally, the null vote brings together the torn or annotated ballot papers. In the first round of the 2022 presidential election, 1.1% of people chose the blank vote, and 0.5% of the votes counted were invalid.
