How to use ChatGPT’s paid version – completely free

How to use ChatGPTs paid version completely free

The difference between the free version, GPT 3.5, and the paid version, GPT 4, of ChatGPT is huge. The latter version is smarter, writes better and trained on much more information. The big problem is that it currently requires a subscription of 20 dollars a month – something that not everyone is willing to pay. Fortunately, there are two methods that allow you to use GPT-4 for free.

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How to use GPT-4 for free

To avoid the cost but still be able to use GPT-4, there are two websites you can use: Bing Copilot and Chatbot Arena.

Bing is Microsoft’s search engine which for almost a year has had an integrated AI called Copilot (formerly Bing Chatt) which can answer questions, search the internet and create images for you. The AI ​​question is based on GPT-4 – and it’s completely free to use. All you have to do is go to the website and start chatting. Here is the link.

Photo: Screenshot/Bing

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GPT-4 is free with Chatbot Arena

The other website, Chatbot Arena, is a little more unknown, but at least as good. The website is made to measure the performance of different language models based on which answer the user likes the most. You ask a question, and the website asks it to two different chatbots. Then you have to decide which answer you think is best – without knowing which language models answered. Here you can see which language models are the best right now, according to the website’s users.

But how to use the site to access GPT-4? Yes, you click on the “Direct Chat” tab at the top of the website.

Photo: Screenshot/

Then you just need to select “gpt-4 turbo” in the dropdown list further down the page, and start chatting.

Photo: Screenshot/

Here is the link to the Chatbot Arena.

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