How to train your snake phobia

How to train your snake phobia

Being afraid of, for example, spiders, snakes, heights or deep seas is nothing unusual or strange.

Up to 15 percent of the population has had a phobia at some point

According to Netdoktor pro phobias can have both biological and psychological causes, and be linked to heredity and environment.

According to Netdoktor pro, 3 to 15 percent of the population has had a phobia for a specific thing at some point in their lives.


Are you just scared or do you have a phobia – here’s the difference

9 odd phobias you may not have known existed

Photo: J Pat Carter/TT This is how you get rid of your snake phobia

The psychologist Fingal Bruhn tells in P4 Sjuhärad how you can completely get rid of your specific phobia in just a few hours.

– We need to do the opposite of what our impulse is, which is to try to escape. And the only way that we’ve found that really works for that, is to actually approach the thing that we’re afraid of, says Fingal Bruhn to P4 Seven-way.

If you do it this way, he means that within just a few hours you should get rid of your strong phobia and no longer be afraid.

READ MORE: What is social phobia – and what symptoms characterize the diagnosis?
