how to say “I love you” in verse for Father’s Day

how to say I love you in verse for Fathers

On the occasion of Father’s Day 2022, express your feelings for your father in verse thanks to our “poems for dad”, to personalize as you wish.

For Father’s Day 2022, a poem could be very appreciated by the principal concerned. Here, below, of the examples of “poems for dad” that will surely move him, from the most epic (example 1 and 3) to the most nostalgic (example 2), passing by the most maritime (example 4). You can completely customize the verses you like to put them in your sauce. Have fun and discover in this page a new way to celebrate your father. Let’s go !

What moving examples of poems for dad?

Example 1

If I had the choice, / I wouldn’t have wanted anyone other than you. / Every day I thank Heaven, / For having you as my daddy.
With your sword, / You slay wickedness, / With your shield, / From evil spells, you manage to protect us.
Like a king or a knight, / Your heart, you let it speak, / To guide us towards happiness, / To instil values ​​in us.
If I had the choice, / It’s you that I would have pointed out, / You that I would have chosen to be my Daddy.

Example 2

On your knees, / I bounce like a chamois. / In your arms, I laugh out loud.
You invent for me, / A magic sword, a wooden horse / And we ride the plains and the woods.
By the hand, you hold me, / To cross imaginary seas / And to play dark corsairs.
Today, the echo of our childhood games / Has crossed the adventures and the years / And forms a pretty ribbon around us.
Mythical hero, legendary knight, prince of romance,
You are one, / You are the other, / You are me, / And I am you, / I love you with all my heart, Daddy.

What nostalgic example of a poem for dads?

When I was cold, / You were there. / When I was scared, You were there.
When I lacked self-confidence, You were there.
If on a winter’s evening, you’re cold, / If you’re afraid or you lack self-confidence, / I’ll be there.
Strengthened by all the love that in the spring of my life, you gave me / Proud to be able, with you, Dad, to share it.

What maritime example of a poem for my father?

Lighthouse in the night, / Captain of the ship, / Against the contrary winds, / You smile, / And you place a kiss on my sleeping cheek.
To mom you confide / that my fluttering eyelashes delight you / Forgotten tides and damage, / You smile, And you place a kiss on her sleeping cheek. / In the early morning, / When you left, / To mum, I say / That you are the greatest of sailors, / That in a dream, I saw you face sharks. / Mom smiles, / And places a kiss on my cheek, / As you do so well, my Darling Daddy.
