How to save the hospital? – The L’Express file

How to save the hospital The LExpress file


How not to be surprised? As the fifth wave of Covid looms, as the bronchiolitis epidemic disrupts pediatric wards, as influenza threatens, and, more broadly, as the unmet care needs of our aging population remain immense, how can we not s surprised at the silence of the candidates on the hospital? The billions of euros and the measures of the Ségur de la santé are not nothing, quite the contrary. But after several years of crisis, materialized by the long emergency strike of 2019, and further accentuated by the health crisis, it will undoubtedly take much more to achieve this “shock of attractiveness” expected by all. This is why L’Express went to question caregivers, patients, managers, and above all politicians on the remedies that they consider necessary today. For the first time for some of them, the presidential candidates are speaking out on this issue. Their answers can be found in our front page file.
