How to resist stress during your studies?

How to resist stress during your studies

Student life is far from easy. Between studies to succeed, budget to manage and future entry into working life, students are under great pressure which can cause a lot of stress. How then to manage it and what are the solutions to fight against stress that is sometimes too intrusive?

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Being a student is not always a long calm river. Between the pressure of not being wrongorientationthe pressure of passing exams, the pressure of future career choice and the upheaval that a change in daily life can cause, students are often plagued by a strong stress.

Why are students stressed?

To be a student is to leave the life of a teenager to move towards the life of a responsible and independent adult. And this step can already be a source of strength stress for some people. Disruption of habits, estrangement from family and friends, choice of studies and professional orientation, budget management… Many changes take place in a very short period of time, which can be a source of anguish and anxiety for future adults. Added to this is the exam stresss, sometimes difficult end of the month, romantic relationships that can end badly, a feeling of isolation… The accumulation of things to manage can quickly exacerbate the state of stress and cause more serious problems on the plan. physical and psychological. So how do you deal with all this stress?

How to manage your stress when you are a student?

To significantly reduce this feeling of daily exhaustion, both moral and physical, it is important to apply a few tips to improve your feelings.

Get organized to fight stress

Nothing better than a good daily organization to avoid unnecessary stress. As with managing your budget where you will list the expense items, organize your week by noting all the activities you need to do and ordering them by priority. Do the longest and most restrictive things at the beginning, in order to be rid of them more quickly and to be more available for other obligations. Cleaning, revisions, shopping, sport, medical examination, outings… Prioritizing activities will prevent you from procrastinating, acting urgently and having to fight against stress. Make a plan and stick to it with the utmost will.

Have a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle

It is not always easy to have a balanced diet when you are a student. However, it is essential for the body and the brainso that they can function properly without developing symptoms of stress. To be able to work and learn properly, the body needs energy. Magnesium, iron, vitamins are the allies to stay focused and have a good vitality. Do not neglect fruits and vegetables but also pulses, cereals and dark chocolate. On the other hand, avoid high consumption ofalcoholtobacco, tea or coffee, junk food or sweets, which only increase the tension in your body.

To fight stress, treat yourself

Student life is very busy and leaves little room for leisure. But it is essential to free up time for yourself in order to decompress and externalize all the accumulated stress. Sport, meditationouting with friends, theatre, music… Whatever your activity, it is essential to take your mind off things and help you concentrate better on your lessons and exams afterwards.

Anti-stress plants to know

Stress causes anxiety, anguish, insomniapalpitations… Difficult to escape stress during your studies, especially during exam period. Some turn to natural medicines to remedy this condition, and the plant world is full of plants with various properties. The lemon balm soothes, it is attributed the ability to fight digestive disorders related to stress, valerian and thehawthorn would have tranquilizing virtues, theangelic act on anxiety attacks and St. John’s wort on temporary depressions, the passion flower would help to fight against the disorders of the sleep. Appreciated for its tonic action, the ginseng would also promote resistance to stress and overwork. However, do not overlook the power of medicinal plants ! Calling on a phytotherapist can be useful, he will be able to advise you on those that best correspond to your general condition and your level of stress.

Students: sleep well to reduce fatigue and stress

Whether it’s to work or to party, it’s not uncommon when you’re a student to push your bedtime late into the evening. However, nothing better than a good night’s sleep to get up in shape and without stress. Try as much as possible to go to bed at the same time during the week in order to maintain a daily rhythm and avoid overwork.

Finally, remember to put things into perspective and be positive! Seeing life on the bright side can indeed have a very important role in reducing anxiety and therefore stress.

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