How to remove personal information from Google search results?

How to remove personal information from Google search results

With a new policy update, it is now Google more personal information from search results can be deleted.

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controlling the visible face of the internet Google, It is constantly updating its search results. The last update this time is directly focuses on personal information. With the new step of the company, it falls into the search results of the people, or in other words, started to appear in the search results. phone number, e-mail address and real work / home address It allows you to remove data such as Google, which mediated the removal of data such as credit card number or bank number that fell into the search results, is now making the process wider and this looks pretty good.

The company for the process “Removing certain personally identifiable information (PII) or personally identifiable information from Google SearchUnder the heading ” transmitting:Identifiable information (PII) that is likely to cause identity theft, financial fraud, damaging direct communications or certain other harms may be removed by Google. This includes the malicious sharing of your contact information, known as personal information collection.”

Google, so that we can evaluate the removal request. The content must be related to the following types of information says and lists:

  • -US Citizenship Number, Argentina Single Tax Identification Number, Brazil Cadastro de pessoas Físicas, Korea Resident Registration Number, China Resident Identity Card etc. secret official identification numbers
  • -Bank account numbers
  • -Credit card numbers
  • -Images of handwritten signatures
  • -Pictures of identity documents
  • Largely personal, restricted, and official records, such as medical records
  • -Personal contact information (physical address, phone number and email address)
  • -Secret credentials used to log in

Alright How to request removal of personal information from Google? The answer to this question and all the steps to be followed are directly here on the official page. You can easily start your content removal process by answering a few questions on the page prepared by Google.


In the meantime, let me make this clear. Google The content removed from the search results by the website continues to remain on the website where the content was published. The company naturally cannot interfere with the content of the sites. In order to remove your personal information from the published sites, you need to reach the site owner directly. If you do not get a positive response from the site owner, you can take legal action. The company’s statement on this matter is as follows:

“Content can still be found on the web even if we remove it from Google Search. That is, the content in question may appear on the page on which it is hosted, or may be found through social media, non-Google search engines, or other means. Therefore, it may be helpful to contact the site’s webmaster and ask them to remove the content.Learn how to contact the webmaster

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