How to relieve wisdom tooth pain? What is good for wisdom tooth pain?

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Cem Ölmez

Wisdom tooth pain can negatively affect an individual’s daily activities. Pain experienced especially during eating may cause the person to change their eating habits and sometimes choose an unhealthy diet. This situation may cause individuals to move away from healthy eating habits and cause weight control problems.

How to relieve wisdom tooth pain?

Wisdom toothache is a very common problem among young individuals. Wisdom toothache can significantly affect both the social and personal lives of individuals. These pains usually cause discomfort because the tooth is located on the jaw and can disrupt the placement of other teeth. Although the complaints “I can’t stand wisdom tooth pain” are a huge problem, especially among young people, you can try some suggestions to relieve wisdom tooth pain. “How to relieve wisdom tooth pain? What is good for wisdom tooth pain?” In answer to the question, some important suggestions can be listed as follows:

  • If you are asking the question “My wisdom tooth hurts, what should I do?”, you should first see a dentist. In response to your question “My wisdom tooth hurts, what should I do?”, the doctor will plan the necessary treatment for your pain.
  • Applying cold or heat to the painful area can reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
  • Pain medications can relieve pain. However, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before using medication.
  • Another suggestion is peppermint oil. It can provide relief by massaging the painful area or applying it with a cotton swab. However, applying it directly to the gums should be avoided.
  • Gargling by adding 1 teaspoon of salt to warm water can clean the gums and reduce inflammation.
  • Regular brushing and flossing can reduce bacterial buildup, which is one of the main causes of pain.
  • Relaxing herbal teas such as peppermint, sage or chamomile can help relieve pain.

How many days does wisdom tooth pain last?

Wisdom toothache is such an effective factor that it can create negativities in the daily lives of young individuals. Taking timely and appropriate treatment measures to cope with these pains can improve the individual’s quality of life. Maintaining dental health, going for regular dental examinations, and carefully monitoring the eruption process of wisdom teeth are extremely important steps in preventing such problems.

“How many days does wisdom tooth pain last?” People who ask should be explained that wisdom tooth pain can last between a few days and a few weeks, depending on the way the tooth erupts, the person’s pain tolerance, and the treatment method applied.

If there is enough space on the gum and the tooth grows straight, the wisdom tooth can completely erupt within 15-30 days. During this period, the pain is usually mild and goes away on its own within a few days. However, if there is not enough space for the tooth to grow, or if the tooth is growing obliquely or horizontally, the pain may be more severe and may last several weeks or longer.

