How to reduce the risk of skin cancer in the summer? What are the symptoms of skin cancer?

How to reduce the risk of skin cancer in the

Summer is the favorite of many. The undetected UV rays of the scorching sun cause damage on human skin. After the long winter season, millions of people are throwing themselves on the street as the weather warms up. However, while some sunlight provides a beneficial source of vitamin D, it can also cause two types of skin cancer known as melanoma and non-melanoma. Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common and least serious, while melanoma is the least common but needs the most caution.


Melanoma occurs when the pigment-producing cells, or melanocytes, in our skin mutate and become cancerous. As a result, one of the best ways to reduce the risk of developing skin cancer is to protect the skin by covering it or applying sunscreen. In the UK alone, the number of people with skin cancer has increased by 50 percent since 2012. Melanoma is the most aggressive and life-threatening skin cancer. Its frequency continues to increase over the years. Skin cancer is more likely to affect men than women.



Skin cancer is a type of cancer that shows successful results when treated early. Generally, skin cancer symptoms are;

  • The formation of recurrent and non-healing wounds in the body,
  • The formation of brown, red, blue, small or raised lesions,
  • The appearance of bleeding and crusted lesions,
  • Appearance of brown or red spots,
  • Increases in the number and size of moles seen on the body. That is, the formation of different types of moles,
  • The edges of the moles are irregular, asymmetrical, indented, larger than 5 mm and in different colors,
  • Observing bleeding or changes in moles,
  • Formation of red or discolored bumps.
