How to recognize a “real” flu according to a general practitioner

Heres how to know if you have a real flu

The flu epidemic is at an “exceptionally high” level in the hospital.

France is on red alert. In its January 8 bulletin, Public Health France confirms that influenza cases continue to increase “With an exceptionally high level of intensity in the hospital”. 65 years and over represent 69% of hospitalizations. The flu tires, everyone knows. It is also associated with various ENT symptoms such as flowing nose, cough … These symptoms may resemble other respiratory infections such as rhinopharyngitis or COVVI-19. So how do you know if you have a “real” flu or another virus? Dr. Helen Wall, a general practitioner in Bolton in England, explains it.

“The flu can be quite strong. You feel good for a minute then you start to be hot. Then, you can start coughing, having your nose flowing, you feel tired and caught” She recalls on the Mirror British media site. So far, nothing very specific. On the other hand, the doctor is more skeptical about continuing his activities normally by having the flu: “People say they had the flu and have managed to continue working or shopping.” For Helen Wall, it is difficult to imagine.

“With the real flu, you end up in bed. You will not be standing, you will be so tired that you will find it difficult to get out of bed. The flu tends to destroy you completely” she distinguishes. These patients may rather have the covid: “The loss of taste and smell, which were important symptoms at the start of the pandemic, becomes a characteristic again. As many people have had the covid several times, most of them feel less strongly, they just have a slight cough And continue to live without really realizing it. “ Which is not possible with the flu. Besides, very often, people who have had the flu remember and do not catch it every year like colds or covid.

Flu is not a disease to be overlooked since it can be fatal. There are signs of worsening to identify: “If you cannot breathe properly or if you are so dehydrated that you cannot urinate, if you become very confused, if you collapse. It is for these reasons that people go to the hospital” details the doctor. Vaccination against flu is still possible. It takes ten days to be protected.
