In Destiny 2, every player wants to reach the peak limit to push their Guardian to the maximum power level. There is also a new limit in The Final Shape and it is set at 2000. You can find out how you can reach it quickly here.
What is the power level? In Destiny 2, your Guardian has a value that represents your power: the Power Level. Depending on how high this value is, difficult content is easier to play. This includes raids, dungeons and even nightfalls.
Your Guardian’s power score is based on the average value of your equipped equipment. So if you put on equipment with a higher level, your power level automatically increases. So at the start of each DLC it is important to grind new levels by getting stronger equipment. We’ll show you how you can do that in The Final Shape here.
Destiny 2 shows the launch trailer for The Final Shape
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How to quickly reach power level 2000
How can I level up quickly? To know how to level up quickly, you first need to know the level limits from “The Final Shape”. The following are known:
Every Guardian starts with 1900 points. The “soft limit” of up to 1940 power can easily be increased with normal activities and loot from any source – it drops randomly. To reach the powerful or peak limit, however, you need Prime engrams or peak equipment. Without these, you won’t get higher items that will boost your Guardian.
The first step to quickly cross the “Soft Limit” is to complete the new campaign on Legendary. Upon completion, you are guaranteed to receive a new Exo from “The Final Shape” and a complete armor set with power level 1960.
After completing the campaign, you need to seek out activities that will give you Primus engrams. Since the new DLC, you no longer receive rewards for completing a certain number of Gambit, Vanguard, and Crucible missions.
Instead, the new “Pathfinder” system provides you with Prime Engrams, EXP and Bright Dust. So you should focus on the Pathfinder for the Ritual activities and the Pale Heart for now. Once you have collected all the rewards, you should secure top gear from top activities. These include: Raids, Dungeons and Exotic Missions. This should get you to the limits quickly.
How high does my power level have to be in the upcoming Day One of the new raid? The required power level for the contest mode on Friday is 1965. So it is completely sufficient if you complete the campaign on legendary with one character and then take one or two top activities with you for a small boost.
It is important to note that the mechanics behind shared fireteam power will not be active for contest mode, so you will have to grind yourself.
Do I have to level all characters individually? No. Since the latest update, all of your Guardians share the power level progress. This means that if your main Guardian has reached level 1960, your other two characters will also receive items that are at level 1960.
Theoretically, it would be possible to get the top gear for every character to reach the 2000 limit even faster. Either way, you have to put on your gloves and start grinding to be ready for the raid. You can find out more about the new raid here: Destiny 2 wants to see its guardians suffer, launches new raid 3 days after DLC release