How to protect your cat from the cold?

How to protect your cat from the cold

Thanks to their fur, cats are generally better equipped to face the cold than their owners. However, overestimating your cat’s cold hardiness would be a mistake. Especially if it is an indoor cat.

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As winter approaches, in the cat world, some are naturally disadvantaged. Thus, very young cats whose coat is not yet sufficiently thick and whose thermoregulation mechanism has not yet reached maturity. Older cats whose hair has gradually lost its effectiveness in fight against the cold, are weakened, and cats that are too thin or too big and whose metabolism is weakened. You shouldn’t be fooled by the appearances of some big cats that you think are very protected, like the Maine Coon, but whose down lacks density. And what about hairless cat breeds, like the sphynx!

Outdoor cats, indoor cats

When the outside temperatures start to descend, cats’ fur is changing. It becomes more provided to better protect it from the cold. Provided, however, that the cat in question is used to an outdoor life. The molting of indoor cats is indeed much less spectacular, the temperatures remaining substantially constant. Suddenly putting an inhabited cat outside in the middle of winter is a bad idea. Its fur will not be prepared for the cold. And as long as this cat is adventurous, he could take a liking to this sudden and new life, without realizing the risk he runs in staying in the cold.

This being said, even if your cat is used to the outdoors, it is necessary, in winter even more than during the rest of the year, to allow him free access to the heat of your house. When it is cold outside, it may indeed need to warm up at any time. Several very classic solutions are available to you: leave a window protected between-open, install a cat flap or watch for its return.

Also consider that a cat with access to the outside spends moreenergy with the cold of winter. It is therefore advisable to make sure that he always has kibble available. His daily ration can indeed increase by ten percent. You can also offer him foods that are slightly more energetic and high in fat.

Protect it from the consequences of the cold inside

When your cat returns from one of their outdoor getaways, take care of their pads. Especially if it has been in the snow for a long time or if it has been driving on ground cleared of snow by salt. Rinse his paws with lukewarm water and dry them well. Do not hesitate to invest in a balm protective or repairing, it can relieve your cat’s pads which could be damaged by the cold.

Also note that the heat produced by your heating system tends to make your air drier interior. To prevent your cat from becoming dehydrated in winter, always leave a bowl of water available.

Finally, if your cat suffers from rheumatism orarthritis, his pains could be awakened by the cold. So avoid installing it in drafts and prefer calm and warm resting places.

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