How to properly prepare for your sports session

How to properly prepare for your sports session

Wrestling champion Koumba Larroque, competing in the 2024 Paris Olympics, gives you her sports tips for successful preparation and effective recovery.

Koumba Larroque is a champion. So she has champion habits. She does mobility exercises before every wrestling session. She opts for a diet based on slow sugars and fruits. She consumes food supplements like turmeric, to recover from her efforts, and royal jelly, for vitality.

Many athletes use royal jelly, famous for its beneficial effects on tone. Ristabil® combines this natural component produced by bees with eleutherococcus, a plant known since Antiquity to stimulate longevity. The food supplement is enriched with other nutrients: blueberry is there for its antioxidant effect, rosehip for its high content of anti-fatigue vitamin C and vitamins B1, B2 and B6 for their energizing properties. It is a perfect cocktail to stay full of energy and protect your immune system often undermined by professional or personal life. A ten-day cure of Ristabil® is recommended: two bottles per day for adults, one bottle per day for children.
