How to prevent hair loss?

How to prevent hair loss

Hair loss is a seasonal phenomenon is natural. But when it speeds up and the hair does not grow back, it becomes a source of worry. Food, helmet, shampoos … The real solutions and preconceived ideas.

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Like the leaves, hair tends to fall out more in fall and to regrow in the spring. This seasonal fall is perfectly natural and should not worry. It is to be distinguished from androgenic alopecia, definitive, which affects approximately 15% of men at the age of 20 and one in two at 50 years. Female alopecia, less common, occurs more diffuse. In either case, this hair loss is largely linked to genetic factors and so you won’t be able to do much about it.

Factors favoring hair loss

Certain factors promote hair loss, such as stress, tobacco or overly strict diets.

  • In women, a lack of iron is often involved. It is advisable to eat sulfur foods, rich in zinc and in vitamin B6 (meat, seafood, germ of wheat, fish fatty …), essential for the formation of keratin, matter first of our hair.
  • Beware of elastics and barrettes, mats and braids which will hamper circulation at the roots and lead to alopecia known as “traction”. Avoid squeezing them and don’t always put them in one place.
  • The heat forms bubbles in the hair which makes it brittle. the hair dryer should be far enough away from the head when drying. Colorings, perms and straighteners also weaken the hair. hair fiber.

Beliefs about hair loss

  • Contrary to popular belief, washing your hair frequently does not accelerate hair loss. So do not hesitate to shampoo them as soon as they are a little dirty, because this gives bulk and saves volume, which masks capillary deficits, advises the site dermato-info edited by the French society of dermatology. No need to invest in hair loss shampoo, however, which are not really effective.
  • Scalp massages may be pleasant, but they do not stimulate growth. Cutting or shaving your hair is also not going to make it grow harder or faster.
  • Wearing a helmet or cap has never made it worse. baldness and the helmet remains an essential safety element!

Hair loss: when to worry?

Sudden acceleration of hair loss or if it is associated with scales (dandruff) can hide a condition such as ringworm, a mushroom microscopic, or the alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease where patches of hair break off in breakouts. Hair loss is also sometimes a sign of a deteriorated general condition (anorexia, kidney failure …) or hormonal imbalance. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

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