How to prepare your home in the event of a risk of flooding – the expert’s best advice

Downpours and heavy rains are particularly common during July and August. During Sunday, an orange warning was issued in inner Götaland, which means that there is a risk of the rain causing serious consequences and danger to the public, according to SMHI.

In the event of heavy rain, there is a risk that the water bodies do not drain away and instead penetrate basements and properties. To avoid damage, you as a villa owner can take a number of measures inside and outside your house.

– First of all, get dressed and go outside, take a lap around the house and check windows, valves and wells so that everything is closed, says Erik Arvidsson, damage prevention officer at Folksam.

“Not rocket science”

The most important thing, according to the injury prevention expert, is to stay at home so you can keep track and act before the downpour arrives, or if water starts to penetrate.

– It’s not really rocket science, the short-term measures you can take beforehand are quite simple and don’t require much.

It mainly involves sealing openings, clearing downpipes and wells and moving things that are on, or below, ground level.

– This also applies to apartment dwellers, look at the basement scrubber. If you know that there is a big downpour going on, it may be wise to lift things up so that they are not on the basement floor.

If you are affected

You can receive compensation from a villa, holiday home or condominium insurance for flood damage.

In order to receive compensation from the insurance, water must have flowed into the house from the ground surface through a valve, doorway or window, or penetrated through a drain well. However, damages due to poor drainage are not compensated, according to Consumers’.

If things such as furniture and clothing have been damaged, you can also receive compensation from your home insurance – and if you cannot stay in your home while the damage is repaired, the home insurance can reimburse additional costs for other accommodation.
