How to prepare healthy meals with your microwave? Advice from our nutritionist

How to prepare healthy meals with your microwave Advice from

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    in collaboration with

    Alexandra Murcier (Liberal dietician-nutritionist)

    After a long day at work, few people are happy to put on an apron and get to work. To avoid giving in to the call for ready-made meals or that of the local caterer, you can prepare small meals in the microwave. Alexandra Murcier, dietitian-nutritionist, gives us the instructions to follow.

    When you come home late, you don’t necessarily want to get into the kitchen to prepare your meal. The solution: prepare a dish with your microwave. Do you doubt it? Our dietitian Alexandra Murcier explains to us how to do it.

    The most obvious option: warming up ready-made products

    According to the dietitian, buying ready-made meals does not necessarily mean eating poorly. “I am thinking, for example, of certain purees, at Picard, which are of good composition and allow you to eat vegetables” she explains first. “You can also rely on canned vegetables or legumes. The latter are sources of vegetable proteins and have a glycemic index lower than that of traditional starchy foods. reminds our expert.

    Soups can also be quickly reheated using a microwave. “You must read the list of ingredients carefully and choose according to the additives present, but there are soups fresh or not of very good quality and easy to consume” assures the dietitian.

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    The other solution: cooking with your microwave

    The other possibility, which we hear less about, is to cook using your microwave. “When you don’t have hotplates or an oven or you’re short on time, the microwave is indeed a practical solution.” assures Alexandra Murcier. She offers us three preparations, which we can make with this small appliance:

    • Casserole eggs : “IAll you have to do is crack your egg in an egg poacher type container, decorate it with what you like (bacon, mushrooms…) and season everything, before putting it to cook” she explains. “The advantage with this type of recipe is that you can vary the ingredients each time”;
    • Mushroom risotto : “You have to cook rice in the microwave, this is easy to do (2 parts water for one part rice). Then simply garnish it with mushrooms and a little cheese” she explains again.
    • Cantonese rice : “Cantonese rice will also be easy to prepare in the microwave. After cooking the rice, this time we will add diced ham and peas. indicates the dietician.

    Variations of these recipes can be imagined with pasta (1 volume of salted water for one volume of pasta) or wheat, for example, but also other vegetables. “It is therefore entirely possible to eat healthy in the evening, with a simple microwave as long as you choose the right ingredients at the start.” she concludes.
