How to multiply strawberry plants?

How to multiply strawberry plants

If you grow strawberries in your vegetable garden, the desire to multiply them to harvest more each year is very present. A beautiful promise kept by layering them. Economical and easy, you just have to discover the precise gestures to multiply the strawberry plants.

From June tofallthem strawberries remontant or non-remontant are expected. In the vegetable garden, multiply the plants yourself using the runners to collect even more.

When to multiply strawberry plants?

The summer period, from June, is favorable for multiplying everbearing or non-everbearing strawberries. Once the spring harvests are over and just before the next harvests at the end of summer, carry out the multiplication. This is the favorable moment for the development of the “stolons”, stem starting from a main foot, crawling on the ground and which bears rosettes strawberry leaves with small emerging roots: the future strawberry plants.

How to operate the multiplication of strawberry plants?

Once the stolon has been identified, three techniques are available to you.

  • Technique 1: prepare a bucket with gravel in the bottom then fill it to the top with horticultural compost. Place a rosette of leaves on the surface and with your finger, bury it one centimeter into the bucket. Place the bucket outside, away from the Sun. Water regularly so that the rosette takes root well and develops into a robust strawberry plant.
  • Technique 2: stand next to the strawberry plant that has produced a stolon. Take the rosette from the stolon and plant it in the ground. Keep the rod that connects the two parts. Leave it to nature and you will obtain, in the fall, a vigorous foot that can be replanted in the final place in the vegetable garden.
  • Technique 3: for gardeners who lack timelet nature take its course and the runners will eventually replant themselves in your strawberry plantation and it will be time, in the fall, to move them.

Sowing, another method of multiplication?

Very few gardeners sow strawberries because the method is longer and more sensitive to success. For this, proceed from February to June, in a box filled with two thirds of substrate horticultural special sowing and one third of sand, place it in a room with a temperature of about 20°C. The first seedlings will appear after a month and when they bear three to four leaves, transplant them. Then, take care to moisten the soil by letting the soil dry well between two watering. The following spring, the young plants sown and transplanted can be replanted in the vegetable garden. Take care to keep a space of 35 to 40 centimeters between two strawberry plants.

A tip to know for successful sowing : two to three days before sowing, put the seeds in the tray at the bottom of the refrigerator to stimulate seed germination. This stage makes the seeds believe that they are entering the winter and then the spring period and that the time to grow is coming. A trick to guarantee the success of strawberry sowing!

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