How to manage stress? On a daily basis, at work? Advice

How to manage stress On a daily basis at work

Stress is a reaction of our body to a change in our environment, whether psychological (mourning, job loss, etc.) or physical. Tips to stop feeling underwater with clinical psychologist Agnès Verroust.

What are the causes of stress?

For the psychologist, everything is likely to cause stress! “For example, there is the consumption of certain products such as tobacco, illicit substances, sugar, some drugs and coffee even if one can wonder if the stress is the consequence of the taking of toxic or if it is the taking of toxic that is the consequence of the stress“explains Agnès Verroust. Relationships and interaction with others depending on the context (divorce, conflict at work, violent environment, abusive relationships…) and traumatic events (illness, aggression, etc.) can also favor this state. THE sleeping troubles are also not to be neglected. “For insomniacs, the idea of ​​sleep is a stressful situation. emphasizes the psychologist.

Managing day-to-day stress is not impossible. For this it is necessary recognize the first signs.It is important to identify signs like increased muscle tone and then breathe“. Managing stress is also take care of yourself. “You should refocus on your needs and force yourself to take breaks, even when you’res”. But also respecting natural rhythms and sleep cycles. Exchange with relatives, friends and family and relax with breathing exercises is important.

At work, stress management rhymes with emergency management and prioritization. It’s important to get organized depending on the leeway we have“advises the professional. “Make regular breaks, learning to prioritize, even if it does not always depend on oneself and knowing how to say no in order to avoid work overload also helps to manage stress”. Letting go is to be considered, without it becoming an injunction source of stress! “Telling someone who is too stressed to let go can trigger a temper tantrum.” warns Anne Verroust for whom each profile has its solution. If stress in the professional environment becomes invasive, slowing down is recommended.You have to take a vacation or stop work without feeling guilty. There guilt is a stressor” recommends the specialist.

For the psychologist, planning to adopt a healthy lifestyle is essential. “I recommend to drink water regularly because it is a natural anti-anxiolytic but also avoid sugar because it will increase the stress. Of course, preparing in advance also limits stress because the better prepared you are, the less risk you have of panicking. !”. During this period, it is important to schedule breaks20 minutes for example, during revisions and respect their sleep cycle. Physical preparation is also to be considered. “Breathe with your belly and relax your muscles” relax.

Who to consult to learn how to manage stress?

Many specialists can be called upon. “THE psychologists and sophrologists can help manage this stress“explains the psychologist before specifying. “Everyone can find the practitioner who suits them“. Practicing sports, meditation, relaxation, yoga or hypnosis are other ways. “hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness achieved by focusing on a sentence and sensations. Thinking of a place where you are quiet and safe, landing in this place and observing can help“explains Agnès Verroust. If this state persists, it is necessary to get closer to a doctor. For students, free consultations with a psychologist in connection with the Crous also exist.

thanks to Agnes Verroustclinical psychologist.
