How to make healthy eating a lifestyle?

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You may not be able to adapt these stereotypical, familiar things to your life. Remember that nutrition requires being open to innovations. Secondly, don’t put yourself in stereotypes like “I should be a size zero, I should be fit, I should be muscular” because these kinds of things have now entered our lives with social media. The important thing is to have a healthy body, a healthy soul and all of these as a whole.


Third, try to establish your sleep pattern. Sometimes it can be difficult to establish a sleep pattern for people due to work, but if you have any irregularity in sleep independent of work, that is, if you wake up very often at night, you can collect it with nutrition. If it does not improve even though you are feeding, definitely seek help from a specialist. Stay away from miracle diets because sometimes perceptions such as “losing 5 kilos in 3 days” or “losing 10 kilos in 5 days” can be very striking for us. These are short-term diets and may give results for you in the short term, but they are not very applicable in the long term, and may also cause you to regain your weight again. Dietitian Gülçin Işık explained for you what should be considered when making healthy eating a lifestyle and what mistakes are made without realizing it.
