How to lower your GT gamma in less than a week

How to lower your GT gamma in less than a

An increase in GT gamma during a blood test may indicate liver damage or a more serious liver problem. Here are the simple reflexes to lower your rate in 5 days.

THE gamma GT are enzymes mainly contained in liver cells and from the moment the liver suffers, these enzymes are released abnormally. The blood level of gamma GT therefore makes it possible toassess liver health and detect the presence of possible liver problems. increase in GT gamma East a warning sign of liver damage (inflammation or infection of the liver). And the more the liver suffers, the higher the gamma GT level. “Liver diseases being silent and asymptomaticit is important to carry out a liver test (which includes the gamma GT dosage) regularly”, advises Professor Patrick Marcellin, hepatologist.

First reflex: reduce your alcohol consumption

Alcohol consumption, even moderate, can be enough to increase gamma GT levels in certain people.immediately warns our hepatologist. So logically, to lower your Gamma GT, you have to stop or at least limit maximum his alcohol consumption. In cases of chronic alcoholism (more than 14 glasses of alcohol per week for a woman and 21 for a man), gamma GT levels drop. after the start of complete withdrawal, from 48 hours (2 days), would like to clarify our interlocutor. At the end of 25 days of complete withdrawalthe gamma GT rate drops by about half.

Lose 3 to 5 kilos if you are overweight

The gamma GT level tends to increase in the event of weight gain, overweight or even obesity. “Losing 3 to 5 kg already allows you to see your gamma GT level drop. At the same time, exercise helps improve liver function and strengthen the entire body“, he indicates. It is therefore advisable to have regular physical activity: at least 2 to 3 sessions of 30 to 45 minutes per week.

Eat more fiber to reduce liver inflammation

To quickly lower your gamma GT level, it is essential to reduce your fat intake and foods with a high glycemic index (white pasta, white bread, soda, red meats, etc.) and favor foods rich in fibers like the Whole grains (wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, wholemeal rice, etc.) and fruits and vegetables, which will help reduce inflammation and detoxify the liver. Always favor raw foods instead of industrial or processed products.

Beware of certain medications

Certain types of medications increase gamma GT levels. “This is particularly the case for antibioticsof the anticonvulsants, anticancer drugs, antidiabeticsantidepressants, barbiturates, sleeping tabletsblood pressure or uric acid medications, and some oral contraceptives (pills). The liver is not capable of metabolizing certain molecules“, he specifies. In view of the liver assessment, the doctor may decide to reduce the dosage or stop the medication if he considers it necessary. Self-medication is strictly not recommended.

“Monitor the increase to ensure it does not change”

A discreet elevation gamma GT is generally benign in the majority of people. It is still necessary to determine the cause (age-related weight gain, taking medication, etc.) and monitor this increase to ensure that it does not change.

If the increase in GT gamma persists or is abnormally high (between one and two times the normal value), additional tests are necessary (transaminases, albuminuria, bilirubin, liver ultrasound, sometimes Fibroscan, etc.). “This can reveal inflammation or infection of the liver or bile ducts, with a cause more or less serious: chronic and acute hepatitis (generally, the gamma GT level is ten times higher than the normal value), bronchopulmonary damage, obstruction of the bile ducts, myocardial infarction, hyperthyroidism, pancreatitis, diabetes, hemochromatosis (absorption excessive iron)“.

► A gamma GT rate which would be 100 times greater than the value normal would bring a risk offulminant hepatitisand which could lead to hepatic coma (an extreme and exceptional case).
