How to lower your cortisol level?

How to lower your cortisol level

Stress, weight gain … it is a major hormone for the proper functioning of the body.

Cortisol is a hormone “Indispensable to life” Reminds us from the outset Dr. Pierre Nys, endocrinologist and nutritionist doctor. Secreted by the adrenal glands, “It is called “stress hormone” but it also intervenes in fat metabolism “. Importantly released when the body is “attacked” by stress, cortisol causes weight gain. This is one of the main reasons for lowering too high cortisol levels: losing weight. The second is when you suffer from Cushing’s syndrome, a syndrome specific to people who have too high cortisol levels associated with high blood pressure, diabetes, muscle weakness, osteoporosis and/or significant weight gain.

To avoid these health problems, it is necessary to have a normal rate of cortisol in the blood. To know him, “There are 3 possibilities: blood test, urine control for 24 hours and the measure of salivary cortisol”. The sample by blood test remains the most widespread. The dosage should be carried out quickly at the risk of having a distorted result. Taken at 8 am on an empty stomach, the normal cortisol rate varies between 5 and 25 mcg/dl (138 to 690 Nmol/L). “Cortisol is not analyzed alone. To be relevant and know what is wrong, IIt must be analyzed in relation to ACTH, the hormone of the pituitary gland. “

Drugs can be prescribed to lower cortisol levels, but the first solution is to manage chronic stress. “You have to find a way not to be too stressed or in any case to be less sensitive to stress”adds the expert. The important thing is that cortisol does not make excessive leaps in the body. To get there, Dr. Nys notably advises meditation, physical activity, breathing, relaxation and emotional management exercises. The doctor also recommends taking care to have a good sleep. Only here, all these tips are “Simple to say, but much less easy to do”grants the expert. Food can then be a more accessible solution.

“We know that certain nutrients have a beneficial action on the regulation of cortisol, in particular the curcumin which is contained in turmeric.” Omegas-3 also benefit from an anti-inflammatory and emotional regulatory action. They are found especially in vegetable oil, such as nut oil or rapeseed, but also in chia seeds, sardines or even mackerels. The doctor also recommends red algae and salmon. “This is one of the foods that make it possible to regulate the cortisol level a little, but it remains modest”therefore effective only in case of slight increase.
