When it comes to losing weight, diet lists full of foods we don’t like come to mind. It is a mistake to think that you can lose weight with diet products alone. We are harming our health by not getting the amount of calories we need to take daily with restricted diets. When the amount of calories that need to be taken daily, which differs according to age, gender, height and weight, is not taken, our body can be deprived of the energy it needs. However, a low-calorie diet for a long time slows down the metabolism, slowing down weight loss. We can prevent this by taking the amount we need to take daily. Here are the tips to lose weight without cutting food…
Abundant Water Consumption
Drinking plenty of water during the day is very important both for health and to speed up metabolism. It keeps you full for a long time. You can add a difference by adding lemon slices and cinnamon sticks to your drinking water. Lemon is an antioxidant and initiates fat burning. If you start your day by drinking a glass of warm water every morning when you wake up, your stomach will be ready for breakfast, which remains empty throughout the night.
Whole Grain Bread Consumption
Consumption of whole grain bread provides satiety and allows you to create a carbohydrate balance in meals. The choice of bread should definitely not be white, this unhealthy carbohydrate consumption will cause you to get hungry often and naturally gain weight. Whole grain breads are also a source of B vitamins and fiber.
Dairy Consumption
Dairy products are very useful in terms of calcium and protein. You can suppress your hunger by consuming yogurt, especially in between meals. If you do not like to consume plain yogurt, you can decorate it with granola, almonds, nuts and fruits. Yogurt also provides burns.
Fibrous Vegetable Consumption
Consumption of fibrous vegetables is very important in order to lose weight by eating frequently and without getting hungry. If you consume fibrous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, artichokes, cabbage, celery, peas and beans, you will both stay full and lose weight. Rich source of fiber, these vegetables will keep your intestines active. You can choose boiled vegetables for snacks, and vegetables cooked with olive oil for main meals.
Protein balance should be well established in meals in order not to be hungry while losing weight. You can get protein with different types of cheese for breakfast. Protein-containing foods should be taken in a controlled manner in main meals. Use meat and dairy products in moderation. In addition to meat, it is possible to achieve a balance with healthy vegetables.
Boiled eggs provide satiety for a long time. You can choose it for breakfast. It allows you to burn your fat without losing muscle.
Hearty snacks
The more satisfying your snacks are, the healthier it is to lose weight and not be hungry. Fruit, yoghurt, herbal teas, coffee or nuts can be preferred. You can choose a drink and a snack and consume them together. You can also try cookies and desserts for snacks with fit recipes.
Consuming Home Cooking
Eating out is both unhealthy and makes weight loss difficult, on the contrary, it makes you gain weight. Avoid fast food products that contain harmful fats. If you consume fast food, you will be hungry again in a short time. Therefore, home cooking would be a better choice.
Consuming Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is a healthy dessert option if not overdone. It also aids in fat burning. If you wish, you can choose it with Turkish coffee.
Staying Away From Soda
Instead of acidic drinks, you can prefer homemade fruit juices.
Consuming Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a spice that is highly effective in weight loss. You can consume it by putting it on yogurt or adding cinnamon sticks to your water.
Avoiding Packaged Foods
Packaged and processed foods are quite unhealthy and cause you to gain weight. Instead, you can eat nuts or healthy snacks.